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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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The Feds?! ...sounds like the USA to me?

old swedish punk sort of
its all gone quiet>>>>>>>spec-ears ere iz ***..(:O)
Quiet???? Look above you!
Did I read shaney's post right, her BUTLER has gone cruising in the Med??? I am aghast! Whatever next and I thought we were exclusive living over here, now all the dross is cruising here. You pay him far too much my girl!!
I've sent it again to you Shaney.
Afternoon .
tis sunny,,,its just gone in,nope its out again make yer blooming mind up.....ive just watched a dvd recording of 60 years the national health service,best prog ive seen for ages.Nai bevan was a great man.umm where have I seen that moustache before ? yo The Tennis finals on in half an hour.Netti..get yerself down the pub and watch it...(:O)
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a'noon peeps... strawberries & cream at the ready...
just time for a short episode from Brokevac...

Chapter 5

George was excited....

<what's the betting they've all got one of those hideous vac covers?...they're enough to give you the w.......oh, never mind...>

Oh how sweet, that's George and Lampwick isn't it??

Vinny Spain has decided to show Wimbledon cos it's Nadal - Canal+ has kindly shared it with us. So I shall remain on settee all this aft! Mr N will be watching the golf coverage in the bedroom. If Lampwick comes sailing past (with or without George; btw is Lampwick gay?) I shall ignore him.

Bloody raining in sw london,are be in me garden if it stops..give me a shout please ta..(:O)
, (:O)
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VINNY!!...they're on!...

and here comes the winner
Dawgs. Didn't know what a vac cover was... so googled... now I know... wish I didn't. That has got to be an American invention! <possibly inspired by the hideous british tea pot covers but we won't mention that> So that's Shaney's butler is it, cruising with George, Vinny I fear that at one point or another your toaster is entering into this sordid affair, you'd better hide it before it's... uh-oh...

Ta robinia...blimey the ole of the west country heard that hehe..! (:O)
Yay - Go Nadal!!! (a tope!) that's spanish
< if they'd listen to a song in the middle of tennis...>
jude; jude where are you girl? put that ole tbag down and come and cheer for Nadal!!
bu66er rain stopped play yo hehe I thought you said T-bag put that old bag down hahahaha..!(:O)
I'm glad it rained as I think Nadal could do with a rest. He was beginning to lose it. Now he's gonna WIN !!
Shock horror, I have just found an American website which states that Barry Manilow is not gay, and that he lived with a girl for 20 yrs her name being Linda Allen. So where was I? or is this a bit like Freddie Mercury's "girlfriend"
oh yes, Rock Hudson's wife.

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