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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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don't do it, Jude... you'll hurt yourself...
Question Author sweet tea, quickly please, I had a nightmare...I dreamt I went to Stockholm! hahaha.
Actually I was with my sister, it was in the run up to xmas & we were spending about 3 days there. We met up with some whacky woman...Kit I think her name was...and went for a meal in a very posh, if old fashioned, hotel (lots of glass doors & corridors & they took us upstairs to a small private room to eat - obviously we weren't fit for the restaurant). All I recall at the moment was that we were in hysterics most of the time & the very strange looked like a small beehive made from spaghetti (!) and inside was a delicious kind of sauce that I can only describe as sweet 'n sour.
Odd, very odd.

<Kit desperately plans to extend her holiday into 2009>
I want what she' taking ^^^(:O) is it nightnurse...hehe..!
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hehe, I'll have a look what it says on the packet...
oh heck, I must put a light bulb in me scullery
<I knew my cultural efforts wouldn't be wasted on this... group of people> Woofy you can switch letter codes by refreshing the page. The box will close but just open it again. / Your lads are turning into fine young men, bet the lady who sold them to you is happy to be able to follow them on your site. Oh and Shaney, that was such a beautiful photo of old Shaney, it touched me.

When I gave my friend her gift yesterday her bloke immediately said "is it a pig." She hadn't opened the box yet so I didn't want to give anything away, just said "what makes you think it would be a pig", to which he replied (unjokingly) "why, it's pig-sized." Pig-sized!? The box was 20x20x20 centimetres - is that pig-size! As I said, she does like pigs but I've known her for more than twenty years and never given her one before. I did say I'd found the perfect gift for her but why that would make him think of a pig...

Vinny you may tell Mr Lumley that his web cams are amazingly clean today - but now the images are totally still. Even the silent movies provided more action than this. Is it a photo glued to the lens?

Jude Jude Jude... Other biddies have the deacon coming round to talk to them about charitable work but not our Jude, nooo... That karate does sound expensive Jude - I've found a much cheaper teacher for you, this footage is from his own training last year.

Did you really dream that, Robi! Will the real sauce please stand up - oh I think that may be me, sweet and sour! Wait Robinia there's a man coming round to talk to you about your dream (More later - as a matter of fact there is some truth to that dream... The Derby Psychic strikes again.)
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yup sweedie I weally weally did....(haha, love the chimp but I was so hoping he'd knock the guy for six)
kit, there was no image, just the placeholder box with a little red x in it...even after I had refreshed.

Thanks all for visiting my website,the boys are getting swollen headed!

go to dash, gas service man coming and the house is a tip!

whoosh (gone)
The no-image-but-red-cross could (perhaps) have to do with the security settings or whatchumacallem on your computer Woofy or allowing cookies or not allowing them, something like that, or not having upgraded your Flash something-something? but nevermind - I appreciate the effort anyway.
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Mysterious note pinned to woofy's chair...

what day is it? oh, it's Cheeseday...
Loved your dream Robinia and I'm sure it means you should come hang out with me for a few days while awake as well :-D Psychic bits:

There were three of us ladies yesterday (plus my friend's man), like in your dream. We weren't at a hotel but my friend and her guy had in fact spent the night at a hotel (they live in the town where I lived before moving here.) We were at one point in total hysterics screaming with laughter. This took place at a diner at the train station shortly before they were leaving - so not in hysterics while eating at a hotel but in hysterics while eating at a train station - that's close enough. And I'm sure the employees would have deported us upstairs if there had been an upstairs - we were definitely making a spectacle of ourselves and probably not considered fit to eat among the other guests... you know the kind of laughter attacks teenage girls get, that's what we were like. My friend's man was at the loo and came out asking what was going on, he had heard us from afar - but I didn't realize you could hear us to England - sorry!

A great part of the day had been spent worrying about each other: Careful, there's a patch of something slippery over there, mind your step - et cetera. Later at the diner we were pondering all this new biddy-age-worrying when my friend suddenly says "But who'd have ever thought we would one day worry about the other one falling off the loo!" ...and that's the remark that caused us to go into hysterics. The explanation for it is that we had earlier during the day been to a caf� where the toilet seat was not just generally loose but in fact no one had ever even tried to fix it to the toilet, it was just lying there on top, which had caused us to explain and do the charades to warn each other every time one of us had to go... and certainly we wouldn't have thought, more than twenty years ago, we would one day fear for each other's lives just for peeing, ha ha ha...
(Third lady was my friend's friend BTW so she was like your sister in the dream if you see what I mean.)
Well thanks everybody for caring about my health. I definitely wont be doing Karate. Loved the chimp Kit That's probably what I would have looked like!! Anyway any suggestions of something that I can take up would be welcome. Definitely nothing to do with cookery e.g.. cake icing and stuff like that.

Talking about giggling like teenagers Kit I've been for lunch with my 2 friends and and we nearly got turned out. We were in hysterics about something and the landlord came in to see what it was all about. Afraid I can't tell you as it was a bit rude but it certainly got us crying with laughing. It's the way my friend tells them!!!

I'm a bit lost at the mo, withdrawal symptoms from the tennis. Must get back to my piano playing again as it was being neglected along with everythng else.

Hope you are all ok see you soon :o)

have you tried making model frigates, Jude?
Stop that woman! Jude! You come back here and tell us right this instance what was so funny at lunch!

Model frigates, jno - you can't seriously expect her to sit still can you. It's beautiful though. Still, Jude, my suggestion is shooting or archery. Think I'd like that myself.

You know before when I said "flash something-something", Woofy...? ...I think I probably meant "Java something-something"...! I don't know what anything is on a computer, it's just words to me so I get'em mixed up... but this is definitely one happy dog Posted it before but you weren't here at that time Woofy so this is especially for you and your lads.

morning all, Robi, the boys read your note and said "any time" and I loved the swimming spaniel...on of mine is keen on any kind of water and the other one will walk round puddles....too funny especially as the walker around puddles is Rab who loves to play with a hose or sprinkler. Its raining here again today so yet more mud. We have posh visitors coming to lunch on sunday so i think a carpet shampoo session is in order...but not yet or i will just get dirty again.
You can't be a proper biddy until you have been asked to tone down your behaviour or leave, its in the rule book....Vinny gets a bye on this rule as he is never given the "tone it down" option...
speak later
ha ha I typed "i" insterad of "it" oh well, both true!
now here's a story that comes high on the eek scale... 6923.stm
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morning soggies.... :o(
no dreams of consequence to report...didn't sleep much & when I did it was just the recurring running naked along a beach with Clive Owen one....
oh, hang on, I'm confusing dream with fantasy....

drat! jno's pinched me news du jour...
look what crawled out of neti's

yeh, yeh, woofy, bit of a slip....?
....stop blaming the lads

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oh lordy, have you all gawn bold....?
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