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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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Dawgs. So glad that didn't happen to me jno, I wouldn't have been able to evict that bat baby. Once as a child I was sitting in an armchair holding the tiniest frog in my hands when suddenly it leapt into the crevice between the seat and the armrest so it was sitting under the seat where I sat. I understood that the crevice would close the moment I got up from the chair, best case scenario the frog being trapped and worst case being crushed and I remember my panic at the thought of having to spend my life in that armchair... and then the frog leapt out again and into the free. End of story!

Is that wombat what bit Mr N do you think, Robinia. Is he doing better Neti, you sounded quite worried the other day.
<Oh god she's on the phone to the AnswerBank... Robinia don't - I'm just messing with you!>
love the bat story....methings more than "a few" drinks the night before. I hope the poor thing found its way home okay.
When I was fifteen and dinosaurs roamed the earth I used to have a pet hamster. I was revising for exams at the time so in order to exercise it without having to concentrate on it instead of my books, I used to put it inside my shirt..shirt was tucked into jeans and it used to run around quite happily for a while then settle down and kip somewhere, either in cleavage or around my waist. Imagine the surprise of one of my sisier's boyfriends when said cleavage took on a life of its own!!
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oh %^&*, %$��&8#, ?{*&^%$� !!
I'm fed up of getting wet & cold. I did have a smiley moment though. I saw the cutest, trendy little boy - pleased as punch he was, coming out of the charity shop......with a tiny pink dolls pram. Every little lad should have one. :o)

grrrr, prepare to be a mashed SWEDE
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lol woofy....
...d'ya know what really puzzles me about the bat woman? why oh why, if you're a FF cup do you need a padded bra?! some people just don't know when ample is more than enough.....tut, tut.

Hi All raining and 'orrible here. Just been to town to fetch a watch I've been having repaired. It's quite old and gold coloured but I never used to wear it because the numbers were too small for me to see but Now I have varifocals it's a different story. I shall quite enjoy wearing it again. I also bought a book of music with easy to play all time classics in. So I'm off in a bit to have a practice.

Thanks for the suggestions Jno & Kit. But I'm too 'hamfisted' to do any modelling of frigates and too long in the tooth to do any of the other kind of modeling (don't know if there are 2 Ls in modelling so you've got both versions) and Archery is another strenuous activity I don't think I could handle. So maybe it's just piano playing for me.

Talking about pets, we have had over the years, Hammy the hamster (very original name eh!) Streaker the Guinea Pig (Streaker because he only ever streaked round the skirting boards of the room and not across it) and then there was Freddy the Gold Fish who when he died went to the great Gold Fish Bowl in the sky via the toilet much to my sons disgust so we had to bury the others in the garden with full ceremony. I have a handkerchief from World War 1 with a Union Jack on and had to drape the little coffins (boxes) with and said son was very happy with doing it that way.
Well that's all for now, see yer later'gater(s) x

Cool kitty there, Robinia, you posted him once before but he's gotten himself a brand new hip hop cap since, ha ha, he da king.

My eldest sister (she's sixty) still buries not only pets but dead wild birds in the garden, Jude, with face cream tube boxes for caskets and she wraps the box in a hanky as well - although I don't believe any of "her" birds have had a state funeral (Union Jack, that's priceless!) - but she does say The Lord's Prayer...

Had an email from my childhood school friend, the one who got married for the first time at this time in her life, if y'all remember. She and her husband have a boat and they went to Ven the other day, a small island off the coast where they live. She says three harbour porpoises were playing around their boat as they reached Ven, isn't that a pretty picture. What kind of island is Lundy, Vinny ("touristy" or what); I could google for it but it'd be nicer to have you tell us about it.

Here's a game we could play, biddies, I'll start: Songs we're embarrassed to say that we love but we love them none the less i hide this cd when the door bell rings... metaphorically speaking...

these are now being called 'Guilty Pleasures', Kit, I wouldn't be surprised if there are whole albums coming out with that name. Usually covers 70s disco stuff.
Hello Chumleys....
More like November than June .Piddling down all day and trust someone from Naaarich to get a bat down their bra could only happen in Norfolk !
I had plenty of water down me bra yesterday when I got caught in a cloudburst which came from nowhere and I had just had my wig straightened . I squelched home like a drowned rat .
Had to strip everything off ,I was soaked through.
I have had to sit and oogle Francesco da Mosto this evening just to get the feel of some sunshine .
Hamsters? Dear little souls especially at night on those ruddy wheels ...I've buried more hamsters than I've had hot dinners .Lenny ,Pipsy ,Daisy and Snuffles ,to name but a few !
I don't what we are going to do with you Jude ......
how about bungee jumping :))
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bonsoir gerbil jowls...haha...(that's what we call Gail Platt from Corrie)....freezin' here it is, I swear I've got chillblains.

I bury everything in my garden...pets, wild birds, frogs...old bloomers...workmen who did a shoddy job. Time team are gonna have a ball in a few hundred years. "What are these Baldrick?"...."oh, I do believe they're the rubber buttons from something called liberty bodices...." you seriously think I'm going to confess?...we aren't allowed enough text in one post to list them all.
well you can start with the entire library of ABBA songs...
Take That...
& anything Gary Barlow did solo
Shiny Happy People REM (lots of people seem to hate it)
I've always had a liking for Vicky Leandros' esc winner Come What May (Apr�s Toi)...(if that counts)
probably the worst of all - Sugar Candy Kisses - Mac & Katie Kissoon (haha, the clue's in the title)

I'm sure there are hundreds more....but none....I said, NONE! so bad as yours...go directly to the dungeon
Mornin peeps.
The sun is shining,the weather is fine.
Ive got nothin to confess,I listen to Arrowrock yo.Lundy Island (Puffin island)There's no cars no street lamps and its a fantastic place to chill.You do get day tourists.There isnt a lot off places to stay.A bunch of guys from the pub use to go and stay there for a week every year,one was a chef and the rest were pi$$ heads.They would stay in the Fishermans cottages.Its got one pub.And you can see seals almost every day.I went yonks ago with them,we went over by boat and come back by helicopter(bad weather)It use to be owned by the Marisco. family,a bunch of Pirates.Hence the marisco nightclub in wooly.yo
catch yer later dudes >>(*_*)
Question Author heck Vin how come you didn't tell us about this radio before? Just played 3 of my favourites, ELO, Suprertramp & now it's Rainbow - brill! I'm never gonna get out the door now.
I look like I've slept on my face & I've got a corrugated fringe....grrr. jno have you got a spare bag please? .......... no, not a plastic one, even if it is Fortnum's...
Morning each and every - wow it is so hot here, am knackered, and Mr N is home these days as he doesn't work in the heat, so I can't get round to doing anything. Went for blood test this morning and the nurse (Huh!) took 3 attempts and said "oh; No blood's coming out) oh it did hurt, she finally managed it, I went back home to bed - mind you it was 7.30am. I'll swear they do it for fun. am off for a swim and lie in a cool room, catch yer laters!
Hi Neti that gave me a laugh!!! Just about my 'barra' !!
That was funny, Neti... btw don't you get commercial catalogues Jude, listing courses and classes?

Can't open that radio thing up Vinny but I enjoyed reading about Lundy and the pirates. I'm always saying I could never live on an island until I realize I do live on an island (Stockholm is built on fourteen islands as I've told y'all before.)

Oh dear oh dear... Shaney thinks she's had her wig straightened... when in fact they fixed a new tiara to her head... He he, you sound awfully aggressive about them there hamsters, Shaney...

<Mac & Katie Kissoon? Could somebody please tell me why I am the one in the dungeon??>

Famous quotes: Who said "The Spandex was a bit of a challenge" ? Was it

*Pierce Brosnan
*Cat Woman

The one who said it is standing second from the left That's the balcony of ABBA-Benny's Hotel Rival which I'm always on about. To think I was sitting on that balcony only last year having a drink with a friend on a summer's evening, and now Pierce Brosnan's standing there... that lucky man... Here's the page with the spandex quote

Well dawgs I'm off to have my Dame Edna glasses straightened before I go on my trip! Wouldn't want them falling off in the stables or whatever it is that awaits me on the countryside...
PS I want to know which guilty pleasure jno, come on, be brave, we won't hold it against you. we'll just never let you forget
I never told you ribenia coz its a westcounrty/south wales station.And I'd never heard of it till I got meself one of them Dab radios.Dont you have Media player Kip ?You can download it,it wont cost you a .shekel medear..! If jno tells us er secrets, she will have to shoot us all...! im sure she said sumink like that before send it to kip by e.mail jno and then you have to kill only one biddy....hehe..! Fancy a free face lift girls...yo (:O)>>whoosh>>>

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haha, lol Neti, even I might manage that..

funny you should say that Kit ...<here we go again>...when I bought the t-shirt I'm wearing today (because it's a nice cheerful turquoise colour to cheer me up) I thought how nice 'n comfortably clingy it felt. Had a look at the label & it said it had spandex in it which actually made me laugh because it always sounds a bit sort of pervy to me (it's usually labelled as elastane). Erm, and I don't have a problem with that :o)
(good to see Agnetha there with them)

well Vincent that's no excuse, I demand to know everything that goes off in the Vest Country at all times...
I think a stair-lift would be more use....ya cheeky buffererer

hehe (:O)

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