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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Thank you for all the good wishes vibes and cosmic orders. DH has just got up and had a small bowl of soup so hopefully no night spent in A and E tonight :-)
Glad to see Mr Woofy is OK .Hope you have a quiet night .
You too Neti ,hope you're feeling better now .Are you are on your own or is daughter with you ? Btw can you claim on your insurance .You may get something back .

Turned a bit chilly here this evening .I think the weather's on the turn .I have my vests at the ready Robinia :)
I watched The Suspicions of Mr Whicher which was quite good .
She went to Australia after they released her and lived to be 100 according to Wiki.
Anyway folks have a Bon Nuit ,sleep well xxx
morning all, all quiet in woofgang towers...bit chillier last night which was a good thing, we have a massive cockchafer hatch here and the stupid things fly in to the lights if we have the windows open.
Morning all, still no internet or phone, waiting for repairman. Be. BAck when all fixed,
Yay! am back online, off for a coffee, catch yer laters >>>>>
Yay Neti!! All is well here, DH has gone of for a haircut.
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Morning all....oooh, it's turned cold here, no strappy tops today, all padded coats & fleeces again!

Glad to see mr w had a good night is is up & running again.
And yay for neti's interneti.

Now, what day is it? What was I going to do?
Its lieaboutanddonaffallday :-)
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Well that sounds spiffing to me woofy...but I think it's it's also (and I almost forgot)


Have a lovely day,
Hope Mr LL's remembered
Happy Birthday Lofty and Many Happy Returns
Have a lovely day xxxx
Oooh Lottie many many happy returns and many more of em x
Having a lovely day and just popped in to see you all. Thanks for all your good wishes.

Speak to you more tomorrow.

Is Jude OK?

I was going to wish you happy birthday but a virus warning suddenly popped up and I got distracted.


So I'll try again.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOTTIE!
Stranger and stranger, the telephone company6 just called apoloogising cos they haven't been round to mend phone and internet, and I said but it's done, well they are as confuddled as I am! Anyway the main thi8ng is it is working. The engineer (Jose) gave me his number and said to call him immediately if it happens again cos he can't understand it!!

Have just cooked two delicious steaks (first time ever) on a griddle thingy with peppers , onions , toms and pots, unfortunately I like mine rare but it was cooked which suited hija. Still it was very nice.

jno a couple of years ago I beggared up this laptop by installing a fake avg, so I never click on anything now!

Have a nice evening lottie!!

Am bathed and in bed watching Eastenders, Corrie and Lewis!!!!
Ooops typos, that'll be the internet's fault, may have to call Jose!!!!
Ha ha that's Robi's cosmic ordering fixing your phone line. Wish she could fix the fools with the fireworks :-( how about it oh Magical One???
DH all back to cheeky normality today.
Nighty night.
morning all, long day today, DH's car is going in for service so he is getting up in 30 mins so no kip for yours truly...oh well guess there really is no peace for the wicked
Question Author
Morning all...hope you're all as well as you can be...oooh, bloomin parky around the parts again. I told sis as we gasped in the heat at the weekend that we'd be back in our parkas before long.

Hope your puta's ok jno, I get more paranoid by the day. I've had those scan alerts in the past, mostly after I've opened American websites, but thankfully I didn't click on anything. I don't think your own AV would ak you to download anything, it would deal with it wouldn't it?

Fools with fireworks woofy? ok, stand aside while I load up my cosmic water cannon. :o)
I now need to work on my own internet company & get them to sort out my my new package deal pretty sharpish, blithering fools, they offer you these cheap deals & can't press a few bloomin keys to implement it....pah! One cosmic custard pie heading their way...a very out of date one of course. :o)

Right, I'll just put the winter tyres back on my trolley & don my 15 tog coat, the birds are banging their beaks on empty feeders.
blimey, two pairs of socks and a scarf on, and I'm still indoors. I've put the central heating on too. I wonder if it really is all that cold or if I'm just feeling it a lot more these days.

And on top of that I woke up with cramp in my leg; I think my yell woke up the entire family, including all the dead ones. That's twice it's happened recently - used to be after I'd woken up and started yawning and stretching but now it's happening while I'm still asleep. Anyone got any home remedies/preventative advice?

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