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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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jno I was crampy all over and used to get finger cramps and burst blood vessels. After an abortive chat with an idiot gp, I did some net research on what might cause it and found that it could be a lack of calcium or magnesium. I got a bottle of cal mag zinc tablets and now am more or less cramp and burst blood vessel free. I took the first bottle daily and now keep some in hand to take for a week or so if needed. The tablets are like housebricks and the dose is 3 a day :-0 , easier to get down with food than water but they work for me.
Sending some particularly smelly cosmic fish in the direction of your insurance folk Robi.
DH now (touching wood) totally back to what passes for normal in this house :-)
Morning folks
Yes it's turned a bit cooler. We had the heating on yesterday .Lovely and bright here today but blowing that chilly easterly wind .
I get cramp in my left leg now and again Jno and it's very painful .Woofies suggestion may help or I think you can get something called Crampex tabs over the counter . I've also heard that
drinking tonic water helps .
I'd better get a move on .Take care all,have a good day .
Morning all.

That's interesting jno, cos for the last year or so, I've been getting cramps in my toes of all places and occasionally my legs, but only have to stretch the toes and cramp sets in, or even just walking along. Very uncomfy. Must be one of the pills I am taking!
shaney, what was that new prog you mentioned the other day, a new mystery thingy I think it was, Mr Which or something?
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I'm back. I got all togged up like Nanook of the north as my mum used to say & the sun appeared while I was out, typical. Mind you I wasn't hot & some of the rabble were parading round in sleeveless tops, tut.

I used to get horrendous cramps at night in my lower legs & my feet used to turn & twist inwards, it was so painful. Thankfully it only happens rarely now but the latest complaint is feeling as though someone's sticking very large, very sharp pins in my calves at any old time of the day. And yesterday my upper back twix my shoulder blades went into such a sickening spasm I couldn't move for ages. Good thing I wasn't out anywhere.
Yes, I've heard about tonic water shaney...but you're not s'posed to dilute it with gin you know. :o)

eek! Hold the smelly fish woofy, it's my internet provider not insurance, they've always been ok, I don't want to upset them, I'm with the Co-Op ya know. :o) I did prefer the days when a nice man came round to talk to you in simple vocabulary & collect payments. Now you never see a bloomin hooman.
Ok shaney I'ver found it "The suspicions of Mr Whicher" am downloading it 4 times to make sure I ger a watchable one!
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Look out for a new murder mystery series on Sunday ITV 8pm - Vera with Brenda Blethyn.
Thanks Robi, will look out for it!

Yep, I am another cramp sufferer. These days mainly at the outside of my ankles and it is excrutiating. Only happens at night and wakes me up. It honestly does make me cry. I take calcium regularly, perhaps I should add the zinc and magnesium as suggested. I also get it in my ribcage, legs and toes. One of my fingers cramped the other morning and curled intself up - it made a large cracking noise when it eventually uncramped!!

Yesterday was lovely. Mr LL took me to buy my birthday pressies. Photos herewith, then we had a nice lunch time snack at a lovely old pub in Reepham - a really pretty little market town. Went for a walk with dog in Holt Country Park and then relaxed until the evening when Master LL and his Missus came over complete with a Chinese takeaway. Weather was cold but dry and I enjoyed myself.

Have just come back from a three mile walk over to the next village. If you can get out of the east wind the sunshine is lovely. I now feel somewhat tired.

Anyway, here are my birthday pressies - two new pusscats that don't need feeding!!

Please note the pink driveway is actually fallen blossom from the cherry tree opposite the front door!!

Glad Mr Woofy is back on track.

Thanks for the lovely e card Shaney.

Hope you are all OK - and has anyone seen Jude?

I keep feeling dizzy and had to clutch at the meat counter in Morrisons .
Just now I bent to get something out of a cupboard and the room went round .Tookk my BP and it was OK but my pulse was racing .
I'm going to have to go back to the doctor .

Yes that's the one Neti .It was good ,based on a true story .

That Vera looks good .I like Brenda Blethyn .The books by Ann Cleeves are good .
ps I didn't enjoy The Suspicions of Mr Whicher one little bit. Just didn't rock my boat!
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Hang on tight shaney, we don't want you to fall off! :o) Funnily enough I've had dizzy spells too but I'd put it down to the change of weather & this inflammation on my neck/upper back. I'm not sleeping very well either.

Love the puddies Lottie, I'd like some more garden stoneware, especially a moon gazing hare.
Oh Shaney......could be low blood sugar...could be stress. Go to the doc and get sorted.
I was wobbling about the other day getting all confused and then I realised that I was wearing my strong reading glasses which distorts the world, was jolly relieved when I took them off!!!!
A very early goodnight from me 'cos I know I will be ready for bed about 9.0pm

I now want a moon gazing hare, Robi. The fields around us are full of hares and it would be so appropriate. Can you get them and are they real life size. I like things to be actual size.

Shaney, take care of yourself. It could well be stress connected, but, yes, you should see the doctor. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
LOL at Neti and her glasses. I have done that myself!!
These are nice too.
Morning all. Up early and no kip again, DH has a hospital appointment, just a check, nothing scarey.

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