Well well well, you introduce a few grape-stompers and all the trolleys come out... I don't know where you get your energy, girls, personally
I'm tired.
Ha ha, no, personally I'm a spinster. Anyhoo!
Shaney and
jno, you both need to make a trip to
Clas Ohlson to buy some of these miraculous
'diapers', intended for
defrosting - but equally as handy for washing machine leaks I imagine. They absorb five litres in just a couple of minutes, never seen anything like it. Oh wait, sorry, credit where credit's due, plumb forgot about you
Vinny. / That's for "where's Kip when you need her he he he." Before I heard your evil laughter I'd already gone over all my online dictionaries including Google image with a fine tooth comb in search of a piecost. Now you
wear this, mister.
No, wait, da dumb swede, your mistake again...!
But I do love van Gogh and Don McLean both. I was gonna post
this, from the same album. (How can you not like Don McLean,
Dolly? Impossible question, I know.)
Robinia, if you're done with the grape-stompers I'll send another Swede over
to deal with your annoying neighbour, shall I. / Awwww, the otters! When they take each others hands
again...! We're gonna need canned awwwws as well, possums!