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Numatic George

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netibiza | 21:08 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
510 Answers
Has anyone got one? and if so can you please tell me how the shampooing bit works, I have managed to soak all carpets and not a drop has been sucked up. My main confusion is do I have to switch between showering water, and sucking up in the same operation? I too scared to try it in case it blows up! Easy instructions please and thank you.


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but Vinny it keeps us on our toes having to keep an eye on your antics....

wayhay, glad you're all Dollied up again Mrs'll be my pleasure to weild the W'sW....
.....bikinis?! it's like Siberia here this morning

<checks above door for falling cushions.....dips finger in sugar to make sure......looks for whoopee cushion on chaise.....
pah! I'm not daft.....

....ok, daft & can't spell iether......
Question Author
You sound chipper today Robiand yes it's really rather chilly here also.

Ok you can start swatting me with WW! nobody gonna ask me whats a piecost....where's kip when you need her...hehe..!
its really warming up ere.....think are sunbathe this arfty...
hello dolly.....
puts big bowl of custard outside robinia's door.... lovely day for hanging the washing out>>>>>>>(:O)
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No NO NO Vinny we are NOT going to fall for that old chestnut!!
<furiously types warning mail to Kit>

try it in B&S Vinny, there's bound to be one....& we don't do pegging out round here on a sunday, it's a receptacle area. I used to be on speaking terms with the previous vicar....well, I had to be I s' wasn't my fault my brakes didn't work.

yes, I have a little more strength today thanks neti ...all the more to do some thwacking.........
....and anyway Vinny,....isn't it a poycarst where you live....?
> > > > > > > > >
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"ooo arrrr me handsome!!" I've lived down there too!
What is Vinny on about .........I have lost the plot !
Happy April everyone ...lovely here too but chilly.

Glad to see you back in harness Dolly we need everyone we can get to keep Vinny under control.
oh pshaw, the last time I fell for that piecost gag the answer was ninepence.... it's probably a fiver by now... Nice day and Oscar has done a wonderful job on the fence. And he tells me he does plumbing too! What a useful man to know. And what with Stan the Bulgarian fixing the computer so promptly, it's been a good year so far for tradesmen doing their job properly.
smacks shaney with a wet fish
now get a grip shaney! .... if you don't understand what's going on, what hope is there for the rest of us?

(when he said 'it's a cross between a puma & a piecost' you're supposed to say " Vinny, what's a piecost?"
for heaven's sake someone humour him so we can get it over with.... ;o)....)
tut...if you want a job doing

VINNY!!....What's a piecost??

there's a streetlight out across the road & I suppose it'll be up to me to report it, as per the last time...tut....sometimes I feel like I'm a one-man band on this planet......grumble
ps jno would Stan & Oscar care to come & live with me...? spite of being whacked with a wet haddock I still don't get it !
I can do with Oscar or Stan....or anyone really washing machine has just emptied itself over the floor again ..I give up ..I am going to go... and live in outer Mongolia.Where they are probably up to their ears in piecosts ....
<sobs> .....

what does a pie cost?......what price a pie?.....pie - how much?...........

I'm gonna swing for Vinny......

.....I can't go on.......
I am not giving out Stan and Oscar's phone numbers, I want them underemployed and ready when I need them. You can have Vinny's any time you want, though. He is probably being held captive in the British Museum after trying to steal prehistoric jokes.
Who ate all the pies ?
I think I swallowed a wind-up.....

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