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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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In Seatttle that is
Hello all
Lovely day ..make the most of it .Wellie weather is on it's way again .
I now have a fridge and freezer full of food again . Hooray ...I was getting lemon curd yogurt withdrawal symptons .
My brother is a good egg and ran me to Morrisons as soon as they opened this morning .
Hope you are all Ok ,sore boobs,jaws ,wrists ,bums and any other achey bits permitting .
Neti ,next time you come to Blighty stock up with the Lanacane Anti Chafing Gel .I get this sometimes under the bazooms and it's brilliant stuff .
I'm going to plonk myself dans le jardin with a cuppa and peruse the wosscrords.
Pip Pip for now
My bosoms are not big enough to get chafed underneath :o(. They have gone south somewhat though in the last year - In fact I think I have aged considerably over the last couple of years. Perhaps through constant pain.
But not to worry, I will age gracefully.

Off to Shaney's for lunch now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
hmmm, I could always go to LA and tell them I'm 98 I suppose, that way they'd think I was fabulous. Oh hang on, might need a bit of work, aren't everyone's boobs less than 10 years old there?

ooh, out with the unwashed early bird shoppers shaney, did you do a supermarket sweep? :) It's not really sitting out weather here, a tad gloomy.
I've definitely gathered speed aging wise these past few years, I'm starting to feel like one of those fruit bowls in a time lapse film.
You're very welcome Lofty if you like courgettes !
I picked some up this morning and my bro said don't get those I'll bring you some later from the garden ..well he's just been in with two massive great things which weigh about 2ibs each .We'll be eating them for a bloomin' fortnight !
His runners have taken off at last so I got a bag of those too.

I'm not aging well either ..I'm thinking of buying a sports bra a corset and a wig :)
Oh, no, no, no Shaney, not courgettes - Mr LL keeps bringing the bloomin' things in from the garden - huge ones and I am up to my eyes in them!!!!

I just need a hijab Shaney!!!!!
well it turned out very warm here but no sun, threatening to rain now..I've done nothing but natter all day long, some days are like that...and some days I only talk to myself or, assuming you're listening, or you lot on here. :)

A 2lb courgette...isn't that a marrow? :) I only like the smaller ones and in soup or stew.
Much longer and it would have been a marrow Robinia :)
However it was very nice ...well half of one which was enough for us .I roasted it with onion and tomato and then sprinkled chs and breadcrumbs over and shoved it under the grill .Went down well with the schnitzels.
Just have to think of something to do with rest .
Courgettes on tst ?

It's been glorious here but clouding up a bit now and the sun is going over the rooftops so that's it .I've covered the tete a tete because they say rain tonight .
I'm going to watch the closing ceremony later ...I hope they don't wheel Macca out again .
well, I shall miss the games - great successes for my adopted country, London didn't grind to a halt (I even went to Oxford St yesterday), and the sun is still shining despite the rain that was promised all day. However, I will go to Serbia next week, just for a change.
Yes I'll watch the closing ceremony if I can stay awake...good luck London with the winding down/wrapping up.

oooh, I seem to have an invasion of big dragonflies, I'll go and investigate.
I also hope to watch the closing ceremony. But only if I can stay in air cooled bedroom, oh I have suffered today could hardly breathe, but were were warned that it was going to be hot today. One neighbour reckons her garden was 48o in the sun, I doubt it but well could be.

Lappy being really really slow.
.... there's a big pond a couple of doors down & the dragonflies were swooping over it and round the nearby gardens, lovely. It's a beautiful sunset and a calm evening, almost as if the world's holding it's breath. Such a shame the weather's going to change.
Hope it cools for you neti.

Better going and rattle some pots in the kitchen...
oh booger, I almost forgot, not sure if you still look in but...

It's already the 13th there so have a very
Hope you're well. xx
Question Author
Hello all, bit of a strange day here, tired and restless all at once. We've started to get dragonflies too, also the smaller blue damsels. It's still hot sticky and orrible here, looking forward to some cooler wetter weather.
Had a lovely dinner though, monkfish cooked on a bed of cherry tomatoes, elephant garlic and sliced potato.
Am videoing the closing ceremony
Happy birthday Dolly

Oight oight all
Happy Birthday Dolly!
What a great show that was tonight. I just loved Eric idle!!
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Good morning all. Same old same old here.....laters......zzzzzzzzzzz
cool and grey here. But hot and sunny in Belgrade, yay!

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