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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Morning all
Another nice day .No show with the rain .
The closing ceremony was very good I thought .Roger Daltrey can still belt it out ..brilliant .
I'm going to totter into town I think to the market ...see you later

.....Happy Birthday to you Dolly ...have a lovely day xx......
Hi All a bit more cheerful today. Only 2 more nights to go before knowing my fate.


I went to bed at about 10 to watch the Closing C. I saw Lennon's Imagine, Ray Davies, andlots more but I think I fell asleep about 11. So missed the speeches and the fireworks which I heard were fantastic. Anyway what I did see I thought was fantastic.
Sorting loads of old papers out today, bank statements and power bills etc. I don't have a large shredder so have to cut them up pretty small. Theyr'e years old.

I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine wasn't too bad. I have to admit with this long plaster on I am not getting as much pain in the night so I'm getting some decent sleep.

I'm going on again now aren't I sorry.

The weather apparently is going to change now so my washing is out this morning. Just the ironing to do

See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning ok day up to now, rain later they say.
I watched and loved every minute of the closing ceremony, what a party, more my thing than the opening. Yes shaney, the Who are still fantastic.

You're not going on bro-in -law doesnt bother shredding anymore, he drops the papers into a bucket of warm water, leaves it to soak and then squeezes it out in chunks like paper mache. He says anyone able to unravel and read it after that is bloomin clever! ha ha
What a good idea with the papers Robi. I'm going to do that now!!
Also I think I can see the ceremony on a link on 301 free view so going to have a look and see. laters 'gaters
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hello all, hello jude, glad to hear the new treatment is helping. Its a good day here, cool and overcast but still summery. We are all having a loll and catching up from the hot nights. spose I'd better do something........
oh s0d it, I've just had a massive dizzy fit, nearly fell off my bloomin' perch, ha ha. I was going to go to the shops too...never mind, nothing important. It's probably a change in air pressure.

I was going to suggest the water treatment for papes jude , it's what I do!

Just run a malaware bites thing to speed up laptop, seems ok at mo.

Met another set of ladies for coffee, and one has just come back from England and has the black dog hanging over her. We both want to go back to dear old Blightly, but houses and businesses, oh and husbands do not permit.
Who was that singer who looked like Ray Winstone and sang quite a lot, he was in a suit and not over slim or overly chubby, liked him very much.

I love Ray Davies but he looked like a puppet with that ridiculously dyed hair and pencilled eyebrows, love that song though.

Hope you are all Ok.

Just take it easy Robi, maybe you and jude should move in together to look after each other!! Or shall Nurse Neti fly over to minister to you both ( as I keep threatening jude!)
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oh robi, do be careful. If your weather today is like ours, its quite dizzy making...grey and sticky. I have been moving furniture and stuffing christmas decs into the get a free sauna and aerobic work out thrown in.
Had to laugh when The Who sang My generation, I mean, just look at us all now!!!
That was Elbow Neti and he is Guy Garvie. They are brilliant and we aregoing to see them at Nottingham Arena in November. I absolutely love them and have all their albums and his voice just gives me chills down my spine.

I loved last night, but I couldn't sleep afterwards and am now going to bed.
And they wrote this (bbc advert for the games)


yes it's very close, still dizzy but I am being careful and not walking anywhere where's there's nothing to put my hand on. I don't want to come a cropper like poor Jude and end up plastered.

Won't seem too long before you're scrambling to get the decs down'll probably be freezing our watnots off by then.

Neti when my numbers come up on the lotto I'll buy a biddy bolthole somewhere over here with staff to peel our grapes and polish our tiaras.
Neti youve been asked to give an update in your sore boobies thread.
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Thank you Lottie, going elbow shopping on itunes......
Thanks lottie, yes that's the man, love his voice, didn't realise he was a group!
Neti has passed her sore boobies on to me!! For the first time ever I have a horrible sore place under one boob which I have covered in savlon and HC1 ointment. I think it started with a bite which was rubbed with my bra underwire. I am covered in bites!!!

Elbow, in my opinion, is the best thing that has happened to British music in decades and Guy Garvey is a very talented musician (and very huggable in my opinion - a real blokey, bloke)
What a day...there are some bloody idiots (not my preferred choice of word) in this world...heard a clunk and went to look out of the front window to see some insert your own here had lobbed an egg at it. Broad daylight, busy hour, what the !!!! Just what I needed feeling like this, had to stand on a stool to wash and rinse it off...took two polishings to get rid of the smears. May the fleas of a thousand camels etc etc....
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Robi that's horrible and weird....
Oh what a pain in the 'arris Robinia .Swines .
We had eggs hurled up the windows once at Halloween and some little darlings pelted cars with them here Pickys included .It's a sod to get off .
I've just had the police on the phone .
I didn't tell you all about my incident did I ?
Couple of drunks ,very late one night last week .One laying on the grass verge .One sitting in the road where cars were having to swerve around him complete with bull type dog .On and on yelling and shouting so I went out after them ,armed with cricket bat a lot of mouth and threatening behaviour off them so I said I was going to call the law ..which I did ..but in the meantome some woman pulled up in car clad in a nightie ,heaved them in and drove off .Police car cruised by just as they had gone .
So I get a copper on the phone just now wanting to know about "my experience " of their service .I told him in no uncertain terms that we need more police prescence on the streets !

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