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What Do I Do About My Other Job?

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abbeylee90 | 18:14 Sun 22nd Oct 2023 | Jobs & Education
313 Answers

I work in care home but my hours were cut there so I felt I needed another job to support me financially I got another job very quick in Home bargains but I'm not liking and feeling very tired all the time and not belonged there. Do I quit if my boss agrees to up my hours 



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Let's see what the care home boss offers and we'll take it from there.  You have to convince them you can work better and not be under pressure
18:25 Sun 22nd Oct 2023
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Oh well been branded as housekeeping 

Do you have to do all of above, Abbey, or just some ?

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Some careers do the beds 

Well I expected it all to be sorted when I signed in but no! Going round in circles doesn't even come into it!  Abbey, having been round the work block a few times, there have been times when I could have run away in the first week but I worked on and found things weren't as bad as I at first thought.  At this point, you are around 30 years of age  .. can I politely ask what your first job was after leaving school and how many jobs have you had since then?  There are a lot of people looking for help in their own home (as this isnot well provided for by Social Work these days) so would you think about doing this and building up a clientele?
That way, within reason, you could work the hours you wished.

Abbey, irrespective of the title, you do seem to like the job. It's  a pity you couldn't keep up initially, but having had a taste of working in HB, the care home sector must look far more inviting to you - and you would, I hope, get off to a better start in a new place. 

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I did housekeeping when I left school but I was so young done other work since 

Staff often make a few friends in the same workplace and they can become 'clicky'. It happens everywhere. It's a fact of life .

Abbey, you've been working for over over 10 years - clicks/cliques must have featured before now and you must have managed to cope with them. Yes, you've done other things, other jobs, but you don't seem to have had any particularly satisfying or rewarding (financially) ones. I think the past few months must show you that there's no such thing as a dream job that you can just walk into.

Abbey you could put an ad in a local paper for house cleaning work ie dusting, polishing, hoovering, bed making and laundry. Maybe one home in the morning and one in the afternoon two days a week for two houses and all day for another once a week and charge hourly. 
If you want "caring work" like bathing cooking and shopping I think you have to be registered and go through an agency who train you and take care of legal requirements



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No just a secure job with stable hours 

Abbey, the care home could have been a secure job with stable hours...

Without scrolling back through reams of Qs and As, can you please remind me, Abbey, of your actual hours each day at the Care Home?  Thanks.

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Was Monday to Friday 8-2 now Monday Wednesday and Friday 8-11

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Might go on sick for now 


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You've only been there a week. Will you get paid?

Being paid doesn't seem to matter Jo,,

Remember you may need a reference, and potential employers won't be impressed if they find you are sick from one job but not the other.

And to be blunt, if you get another job there's a fair chance you'll fail the probation or will not like it and will quit again.

Do you think employers won't look at your CV and wonder why you don't stay long?

You need to stick at something for 6 months, maybe 12, to show you are reliable. 


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I'm not sure tbh but know gotten be 7 days for a sick note

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