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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Hello all
Cold ,wet sleety miserable day.
I'm very disorderly here .When Picky came over here yesterday he went and bought a new car so has heaved all the stuff out of the old one so he can take it to the dealer when he picks up the new one on Tuesday. So our sun room is now full of toolboxes and other assorted c.rap.
I thought these happy pills (I got more) were supposed to make you feel cheerful and ease pain so why do I feel as if I could murder somebody :)
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hello mild and wet again here. I am enjoying a glass of prosecco and feeling mildly smug. The parcels for posting have gone, the cards for posting are posted, I have got some local parcels to wrap and 4 special cards to make...I put lights on my trees in the front garden today and the waitrose delivery comes on tuesday Ho Ho Ho
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bumpitty bump
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oh no Shaney are they not helping at all?
Cheer up shaney. Soon you can have a Netflix fest. I wonder how much was really true. Phillip comes across as really nasty.
Well done woofy isnt it nice to be organised


They do nothing woofy .I won't take any more ,they seem to be affecting my mood and not in a good way.In spite of being in pain of some sort most of the time I'm usually happy enough and jog along to the best of my abilities. I get fed up with it at times but accept that's how it is.It's just the agonising back and hip pain .I'm terrified I'll end up in a wheelchair.I can cope with it in the other joints but not being able to walk about very far or stand for long is not on.
My new years resolution is to insist on a scan and see a proper orthopaedic consultant.
Hope you've all had a nice evening .I just watched The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Not keen on Dickens to read but love it on film and tv.
Night all.
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oh that is a pity Shaney, but if they aren't helping and are making you feel uff then best to stop. Yes I think its a good idea to see a specialist...I actually assumed that you already had :(
The dogs have been out playing in the garden and have come in with totally BLACK feet. I know they have been digging somewhere but I will wait until tomorrow to experience the full horror of their naughtiness....I will be feeling stronger then :)
Haha .The dog we had previous to Shaney was a Norfolk terrier.Mickey by name and digger by nature.
He would take his biscuits in the garden and bury them .Then dig them up later and come in with his nose and feet covered in muck .I don't know if he thought hard times were round the corner or that he'd been watching the squirrels.
He belonged to my Mum but she wasn't allowed a pet when she moved into sheltered housing so I took him.I remember travelling up to get him and bringing him back to London by train and tube and he was a good as gold.He was a lovely dog and lived to the ripe old age of seventeen.
oh, maybe they got down to the Boudicca level, woofgang. Excavations in London usually show this black line of ash several feet down, where she burnt the city. I don't know if she bothered with the south coast, though, she was really just an Essex girl.

Sun is shining and I have a hospital appointment; they want to see if I have any platelets left.
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I hope they leave you with at least enough to eat dinner off Jno (platelets...geddit?)

I haven't yet found the site of the malfeasance...I am thinking it was one of my big tubs that got the going over as the garden proper is thick clay under the leafmould so they come in with grey sticky paws not black muddy ones.
Afternoon all...after a lovely sunny start it's gone dull and the fog's coming down.

Shaney did you say it was diazepam you're on? They aren't happy pills, they're tranquilisers and can make you feel more depressed, especially if you take them long term. If you get hooked it's hell coming off them but short term they do have their uses.
Sorry if it's something different you're talking about. There have been times I've considered all kinds of alternative therapies... 'hocus pocus' as my sister calls it, lol. I think we need a witch doctor.

I can't help laughing when I see dogs digging...not funny if it's your new lawn I know. When I first got Macpoodle I had veg in the garden. I was digging up some spuds and turned to see him at the other end of the row doing the same. Bless him, he must have thought it was his first day at work :)
Now I've got squirrels and crows doing the digging.
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I mind if they dig what I have just planted but apart from that. if they are enjoying themselves I let them get on with it. I don't have a lawn, i have "grass" so the odd hole here and there is no big deal
I've found the perfect present for you all, a pack of two Swish magic sponges....according to the information you can use them to 'polish sins'.

the platelets are up a bit but not so as to make much difference, so she sent me for another blood test to exclude HIV and PPI and so forth, and she's going to get my spleen scanned. She doesn't think there's any problem with any of them, just wants to be sure it's been checked. At some stage they might want to do a bone marrow test. I pointed out that they already did one in 1998, but it hasn't been digitised, so they'll have to send a truffle hound into the archive to dig it out. I expect it's on papyrus somewhere in the basement.
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Great idea Robi....I haven't sinned for such a long time, mine must be decidedly rusty.
Glad to hear you have still got some platelets left Jno
Evening all
Not quite so cold today but now we've got thick fog and the temps have dropped again .
Yes it's Diazepam Robinia .They're now in the bin.I don't want to feel like that again.Doped up and not in control of my faculties.
I hope you're alright Jno . Why are they doing these tests ?
Nothing exciting going on otherwise .I'd need a jumbo pack of sin polishers Robinia ,plus an army of elves that come out at night and use them .
my platelets have been quietly declining for years, shaney. They're not at danger level but it's as well to prepare. I have no idea what a platelet actually is or what it does, but suppose there should be more of them. I looked it up and it said quinine wasn't good so you shouldn't drink G&Ts. But the doctor said she thought this wasn't a significant factor and I could go on.
I wasn't trying to be nosey .Just that when I saw the words platelets and marrow bone etc it reminded me of the tests my MiL had and I was kinda worried about you.She lived to the ripe old age of 90 though so carry on with the G&T's :)
90 will do me, though if I get there I will probably want a few more. In the middle of a doctors' housing estate somewhere.
Morning all
Nice bright day and not quite so freezing cold .Cold enough though.
Hope you're all ok .Nothing exciting to report.

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