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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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It's okay if it's ticking, Neti, but if you hear it chime the hours...
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good morning all. Without knowing it I have somehow turned in to a Nordic ware cake tin collector, They are beautifully patterned and the non stick is so good that the cake slides out with the pattern intact...only realised my new addiction when I was wondering where to put my latest one which is a castle. Dogs got up early today and are now snoring...might get a nice shower. (and not flood the place!!!)
Morning all
Ooh some of those tins are lovely Woofy. I can see how you could get carrried away :) I've got a bundt tin but it's a bit ancient now.I've only used it a couple of times.
Neti ,this is weetabix cake .
Easy to make and even quicker to eat.
Foggy day but at least it's dry atm.
Hope you're all ok and that the ECG is ok Neti.
Well according to results Ive had a slight heart attack!
But as woofy has assured me lots of people have mini heart attacks with no knowlege so Ill continue with my merry life. Doctor again on Tuesday! I'll keep shopping as surely Mr N cant moan now, can he!
Thanks for recipe I shall make that but do you think I could use dates instead?
Of course you can Neti .You can put anything in as long as they're chopped quite small and the same weight in dried fruit. Apricots ,glace cherries etc.
Yes ,I've heard that too Neti .Just take it easy and try not to stress about stuff.As my Mum used to say when I used to run about like a blue arsed fly .. Slow down,it'll all still be there long after you're gone.
I've had to take her advice on board these last few years. I've become very adept at turning a blind eye to things that don't really matter.
Yes shaney I do run about like a blue *** fly, I cant do things slowly, nd Im surprised i havent tripped over any of the feral cats who suddenly appear under my feet.As for stress I cant help but fret over hija, its what I do!! And then there's Mousey pratting about at night, and when I've finally got her settled on my legs I daren't move else she's off again yeowling and pacing. Blummimg heck.
Neti, that happened to me, ECG showed I'd had a heart attack. Further investigations showed I hadn't, and it was attributed to operator error.
Now why was my blue a.s.s.e.d. starred out? And your rude one wasnt?
Jno do you think we have the same operator! Hahaha
B U M P stop with all this wormhole nonsense! I must not be stressed!
Ooops, its the brain needs sorting I think
I think it was just some kid on work experience. He's probably moved on to brain surgery now.
I think woofy and jno are right they are not my results!
Hello emptiness!
Is everyone ok, I gather it's snowy and cold again there. Sunny but with a biting wind. A friend invited us out for a Chinese lunch so we met for drinks and then the meal. I really enjoyed it, was very tasty, then the two of us came home and flopped out in front of tv and snoozed. Very nice day.
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its still snowing here and we are digesting a wonderful roast dinner. Hope you are all ok

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