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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 10:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Yes, I hope everyone's coping with the weather. It looks as if this icy blast won't hang around as long as the last one did. Hopefully this is the last of them.
Begorrah, this bumping is a waste of time and pixels
... Again
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hope things are ok with you Jno.
No snow here just a few flurries in the wind and what a wind .
They've evacuated people up the coast in Hembsy .One poor chap has had nine metres of his garden disappear in the last five hours because of the wind and tidal surge.Their homes are now dangerously near to falling into the sea.The same thing happened a few years ago and nothing from the government for sea defences.They had to pay themselves with a top up from the council.People are rightly very angry as this is a beauty spot and those who live there depend on it for their livelihoods.
However, hope you're all safe and warm.It's bitterly cold but KBO, it'll all be over soon.
Hope your OH is getting better Jno.
We're slowly improving her, thanks, we've been to the beach and everything (didn't go for a swim, don't want OH swept away by sardines)' it's still nice and warm.
Good morning. Does that mean OH is out of hospital then jno? I do hope so. Probably wont have a lot of energy though.
Sunny here, yesterday there was a biting wind but it appears calmer now.
Yes shaney Birling Gap next to Eastbourne is the same and has eroded away. Used to be quite a few houses but only 4 left now.
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hello all, snow snow and more snow here and I have got a migraine :( happily I don't get many and the dogs are being good.
Hello all
Still bitterly cold and the wind still blasting .We seem to have escaped the snow though.
Yes I saw that Neti and there are bits of Beachy Head dropping away into the sea. The people were lucky last night only a shed fell off.
I would be out of there pdq but I suppose they have nowhere else to go and their homes are now worthless.
Some fool was there last night right on the edge taking a selfie, putting their life and the lives of those who would have to rescue them if they got swept away, into danger.
Pleased to hear your OH is improving Jno. You wouldn't want to be on the beach here atm .Our beautiful beach is a mess.
Hope your headache soon eases Woofy.
Keep warm folks.

Evening's awfully bumpy in here, we don't exactly need slowing down do we?

It's good to hear your OH is progressing jno.

I've just been reading about Hemsby, it's awful.
Hope you're all safe and sound in your igloos, we've had our fair share of snow, hail and evil winds. Very treacherous under foot today, I've only been as far as the bird table. I've got screaming hips and I think I've got a touch of the lurgy again, headachey, tired and glandular. I probably got it from spending 40 minutes in a hot mexico's waiting room...haha, I'll leave that, you know what I mean. Actually he is rather nice and a lovely personality, he likes a wee chat (Scottish).
Behave neti, we don't want any dicky tickers in here.

Keep well and warm all, I think we might be back in double figures soon.
I'm full of chicken stew and I've got some knitting and The Durrells to keep me occupied ce soir.
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sounds good Robi. I am coming too with that nothing in my head and its floating away feeling. There are spare ribs in the oven but I think I will save them for tomorrow. Stay warm all.
Yes, Neti, surely at home and getting underfoot. I saw the BBC story about Hemsby, it looks very scary. Probably a Brexit plot to push us further away from Europe. I must say buying a house on the top of a cliff made of sand has never seemed a wise move to me, I’d sooner live safely on a floodplain somewhere.
Oh dear what a lot we are to be sure!
Anyway as stated previously I dont think these ticker results are mine.
Shaney just been reading about Hemsby! How absolutely devastating for them. I always thought a cliff edge house would be somehow exotic and romantic but now Ive woken up.
Woofy and Robi you take care if yourselves.
Looking forward to The Durrells too and it'll make a nice change for me not to sob!
Well done jno's OH not sure what, if anything, has been mended but keep improving!

Am I actually typing the wrong words or is autocomplete doing it for me? It might be important to know which one has dementia.
Neti, I’m not really sure. I think the ulcer was in the duodenum, which seems to be the southern exit from the stomach, and apparently it got tied in a knot, so a stent about an inch and a half wide was inserted to hold it open. It was all done via the mouth, not by cutting anything open.
Well jno whatever it was it seems cured??? Is OH managing to eat and digest ?
Just fell asleep in the durrells!
So far so good. The trouble is, the stent has to come out again next week or it could cut loose and block things up badly. The idea is that by then the duodenum will have learnt to stay open on its own. We hope.
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its a chicken and egg thing Jno...the reason there is a risk of cutting loose is because the duodenum has learned to stay open.....
It’s going to come out a few days before we fly home, and once there we can wait and see if it’s done the trick. OH has been warned that another stent might be required in the future, though.

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