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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Morning all
Nice bright one .
Pay no attention to me and my last miserable post .I just felt a bit fed up yesterday after my brother was really rude to me over printer ink .
Our phone has been down since last Friday and Virgin only fixed it yesterday evening so I emailed him to say it had arrived .I got him two of each colour and two black.It was the same price whether you had black or not.
C Can't you pick up the phone
J It's been down and you never answer your mobile
C I said I didn't want black
J No you didn't
C Well I'm only going to pay for the colours
J Please yourself.I'll keep the black then.
Then he argued the toss about the price and said I'd fiddled him.
8x1.50 made 12 when I went to school so 6 is 9 quid but he wouldn't have it .So I said just leave it ,take the bldy ink and forget it.Mr S was in the front room and he started criticising him about the fact that he let me go to the physio on my own .Well ....up went ye olde balloon, and how.I'm quite capable of getting a cab to and from where I want to go. I don't need Mr S to hold my hand although he would if I wanted him to .I'm an adult !
I was so upset and spent the rest of the day snivelling.Mum all over again .Whatever you did for her in her dotage it wasn't good enough.
Anyway that's my sorry tale.
It's good they're keeping an eye on everything Jno.I expect you'll be glad when it's all sorted and OH is restored to better health.
Mr S is OK .BP normal.He's just got to go for an annual overhaul in a a couple of weeks.
Having got that off my chest I hope you're all OK .

Bumpety bump.
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families can hurt so much Shaney. I hope you are feeling more cheerful today
Sympathy, shaney, family members of all people should know when to shut up. God knows what it will all be like when they get really demented, or I do.
Morning akl.
Oh shaney you poor thing. My mum was just the same wrll with me. Whenever she babysat I always bought her something like a new iron or so she couldnt moan to the family! And nothing was right. Bought her a nice new cooker and " well its nice but..."
My older sister and I snap at each other, I try not too but she is so mean and then makes out she saves the family so I can't sit and say nothing!
No idea whats up with your bro. Its so upsetting!
Dont dwell on it if you can help it.
Am doing my roots with a colour from Dubai as cant get a decent colour here. Its either ash which makes hair blue or gold which makes hair yellow. I used to get beige but Garnier have stopped it or this island doesnt get it.
Oh jno so is OH ok with that blockage, I mean eating?
Oh I expect he'll get over it .He'll probably be round in a few days time all sweetness and light as if nothing's happened .My Mum was the same .I vividly remember the shepherds pie incident all those years ago after she'd been poorly and I was cooking a dinner for her every day and biking it round to her .
"You know very well I don't like bldy mince ",after I'd biked down there with it in the pouring rain.And what were we brought up on ? Mince! I told her where to stick it .A few days later she was as right as rain and it was never mentioned again.
Mr S told me not to take it to heart but I do.What annoyed me was the way he slung the money on the table.Oh how I miss my Sil and wish she was still here. I know he misses her and I have to make allowances but she used to rein him in.She very quietly in her own way wore the trousers without him ever realising it :)
You're all very kind to listen to my woes.This back problem gets to me at times and I get miserable.I'd give anything to be able to go for a brisk walk to blow the cobwebs away,but a slow painful hobble doesn't really cut the mustard.
I expect it'll look fab Neti. My roots and highlights are on the agenda for my next appt.
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Shaney souped up mobility scooter?
If I answered my mum back even when I was an adult she wouldnt speak to me or if she had too was very icy. She didn't much like Mr N because he wouldnt kowtow to her! But I loved and miss her. She definitely had favourites and I wasnt one of them!!
Just roasted a small piece of pork, made a fruits of the forest sauce and sauteed onions, garlic, pots and red peppers. Was very nice. Its gone really cold here again.
Yes, shaney, here you go

Omg ..I'd be no good on one those scooters.
I'd be mowing people down and crashing into things .Some of the people round here who have them drive them on the roads, if you ever.
There's a lady lives not far from here who the neighbours call Speedy Gonzales.If you see her coming ,move pdq ...haha.
I read a bit of thread earlier about people at the Palladium.
Do any of you remember that tiny little woman who used to play the keyboard and sing The Macarena .She sang so off key and used to have me in hysterics but for the life of me I can't remember her name.She may have been Spanish or Mexican.
Yay ..Magarita Pracatan .She was fabulous .

Good day. Gone back to freezing here, really cold but sunny.
Ive never heard of that woman, where was I? My hands are so cold I cant type.
Just made 2 cornish pasties and a cheese and potato puff.
Hope you are feeling more chipper today Shaney!
Jno how is oH?
Hello to woofy and Robi.
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good afternoon all...been throwing things away
I tried someone's mobility scooter in UK a couple of years ago, disaster! I can ride a motorbike and drive a car, but couldnt conttol that damned thing.
Good afternoon is it Thursday already?

So pleased your ticker isn't dicky after all neti but that's not an invitation to run around like a blue bummed one again.

Hopefully your OH is on the right road jno but it's been a hell of a long one. Stay positive.

You too shaney, it hurts when you've done your best for people and they throw it back in your face. Fortunately I've never had that with family, only friends/neighbours and it's easier to back away from them. There were underhand comments and criticism behind my back with ex family but I never ever rose to it, none of them are perfect. Always keep your trump cards up your sleeve is my motto...and I've got quite a few :)

Even though we've crawled into double figures the wind still feels cold to me. I desperately hope this warning about a frozen white Easter is wrong, I just can't stand any more.
I've had my barnet cut and hi/low lightened today, all I want now is some sun on it.

I loved Margarita Pracatan, haha....and they all drive their mobi scooters like that around here.

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