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Robinia | 12:35 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Radio
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Does anyone listen to The Late Show, weekdays? What's happened to Rob Underwood?


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postwar, I think, neti, but I didn't watch it, just read about it in the Radio Times.
Yes it was post war Neti - early 50's.
Although I am older than most of you I do not remember this, yes turbans and aprons, but our dotor came in a car, we were in Eastbourne.
I know that when mum had her last baby in 1957, dad walked her (in labour) a couple of miles to the maternity home, she was rather annoyed with him, as he left her on the dorstep with suitcase!
^^ in the middle of the night. He woke us up at 8am with the usual cuppa saying that we had a new brother!
Hi all. Thanks for all good wishes - I wish i was that little bear right now Lottie. Dr. says it could be an alergy to anything and he has given me Steroids. 4 to be taken in one go every day with food. + the antihisys and he's booked me in for next Monday. He examined my nether regions and say it looked a lot better and the steroids would help that too. If it hasn't started to ease off by next Wednesday I've got to go back then. I'll be going if I'm not in the 'nut house' before then. :o)
Going to change into my thin trackie bottoms now and then try and have some sleep I'm 'Knacked'
See yer later 'gater(s) Sorry I can't talk about anything else. Oh yes just to say Have a brilliiant time Jno and bring us some lovely photos to look at.
In case I do not see jno again, have a lovely time in florida, Disneyworld by any chance?
Jude, I once had a similar problem and was on steriods for a week at 4 a day. I felt wonderful for that week, never felt as good before or since.

Seriously though, in the end my itching and rashes were put down to stress. I had to see a dermatologist in the end and had a very strong steroid cream that had to be applied virtually all over. It worked!!

Try to get as much rest as possible and RELAX (which I doubt if you ever do!!)

Take care

Yes, enjoy Florida jno. I have a very good friend who lives out there called David. Give him my love will you. xxx
...and jno say hello to Dolli and Gordi in Deerfield Beach for me too x
oh deer, Lottie, don't overdo the cream, you don't want to get too slippery

Thank you for the bon voyages. I am unlikely to go near any theme parks, though who knows. Malls, on the other hand...

(I've been to that one more than once)
Hey jno, Sawgrass mills is great, and Swapshop, cheap and cheerful with a circus in the middle, it was originally a multi cine drive in. A lot of poor people sell their stuff outside and they are so poor, it's stuff that even I would bin! Then again, Florida mall is great. You have to drive through Browntown which is scary!
ah, Sawgrass Mills, I have passed that way before. I'm not actually sure I ever found anything to buy there, though. Aventura Mall, definitely. I haven't been to Florida Mall, but have made a note.
Evening all
I hope you've all been good whilst I've been traversing the highways and byways of the county .
Had a lovely lunch in a bakery come restaurant and then after my brother had got his bits of wood cut we went on to Sea Palling to a lovely farm shop where they had brussel tops and samphire amongst other goodies .So I'm a happy Biddy. Nice day ,lovely weather ,brilliant sunshine all day although cold but it was nice to have a break.

Itching is the pits Jude .I know what it's like with this eczema which still flares up.Oilatum cream is very soothing .I hope it soon clears up for you .

Haha .. turbans and aprons Mum used to have a wrap around pinny and her hair under a turban when she was doing her housework.She was a sight to behold especially when you crept in with the milk thinking she wouldn't be up .

If you are going anywhere near San Diego Jno could you wave to Connie...or just flap yer bikini top in the general direction and another wave in the general direction of Texas to Julie and David :)

Oight Oight lovelies xx

Hello all today ended up being an odds and sods day, bit of business, bit of tortoise care, shopping, watched the last Sherlock and generally faffed.
Oight oight
Morning all biddies.

Shaney glad you had a good day, what are brussel tops and samphire? Sounds like a magical potion (I want some).

Bye bye jno Vaige Be (Bon Voyage, Buen Viaje), just wave to anyone then!

Sun is shining after a terribly stormy night, wind and rain, and had to clear the pario of all debris as it was slippery. Guess I will disturb the cat and washing the bedding now.

All have a good day.
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Morning all...byeeee jno
I don't think I've got any family in the US. My first boyfriend went to live in California but he could be anywhere now I suppose...maybe in the next street.

Very cold and frozen but sunny yet again.
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oh well, pic doesn't work..that's a good start to the day, tut...
good morning, another cold morning here. The dogs were up and down in the night playing monsters in the garden so we stayed home again today, probably will go out later.
Morning Biddyfriends - not too bad a night had to get out a couple of times to cool off and scratch. Still having to wear open necks and cottony stuff. And I've never done so much washing in one week since my son was here. I think I've just about caught up with anything I may have washed wth Ariel. I'm now back on more load to go. Hoping I've found what has caused this rash. Now my only concern is I've had to stop using what I was using for The Heaps! A great start to 2012 innit!!
I'm so sorry to go on but Fuchsia is in NZ and I miss havng her on Saturday mornings to talk to so I'm afraid you've got it all today. I've tried everything that you have all suggested and it has helped me. Thankyou.
Not going to Tai Chi today but may just go out at lunch time for a coffee with my friends then come home and have my dinner here.
I hope you all have a good day. The weather looks promising again today. Cold but sunny but may get a bit cloudy later.
See yer later 'gater(s)

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