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This Non Britain, Is Released And Heading For Britain.

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anotheoldgit | 10:08 Fri 30th Oct 2015 | News
197 Answers

I wonder who will be picking up the bill when this Saudi Arabian, sues for compensation?



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Seems like some people trust no official reports or media reports unless they agree with their own thoughts
No point whatsoever in supplying links to support a point of view if the link is to be dismissed by those who think they know better.
retrocop - //Seems like some people trust no official reports or media reports unless they agree with their own thoughts
No point whatsoever in supplying links to support a point of view if the link is to be dismissed by those who think they know better. //

Indeed - but that applies to both sides in this debate, I am sure you will agree.
Sorry, Andy. Just can't help myself sometimes.
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/// .it is only a few of the more rabid contributors who think that they ought to be able to pick and choose just who should be scrutinised, and who shouldn't. ///

Quite right jack, everyone (if necessary) should be scrutinised, no matter what their race, religion, sexuality or preferences.
//I used my own words - please can we stick to the debate.

Thank you//

Thanks for the clarification. Just wondering who is making the rules here.
///Quite right jack, everyone (if necessary) should be scrutinised, no matter what their race, religion, sexuality or preferences. ///

I is a shame that this was not extended to Shaker Aamer.
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/// Any posts that are not following the thread in terms of the OP, together with any threads that are deemed to be unpleasant, vindictive, personal, or looking for a fight - are removed. ///

I realise this will be removed, but first I must point out, this is not always the case, and that is why I answered your post regarding my experiences of using the report and email functions.
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SA wasn't able to 'prove' anything as he was never charged or tried.....
Jack...well said...after 13 years of being detained and tortured, he has never been charged with anything. I come back to my original point...if the Americans were able to charge him with any crimes, I am sure that they would have done so during the 13 years.

He was innocent until proven guilty 13 years ago and the situation hasn't changed since.
ok well im sure you wont mind him living next door to you and carrying on his commendable work for an afghanshitistan islamic charity then....
baz - We will never know whether he actually *was* guilty of anything as the Americans never saw fit to proceed with prosecuting him.

So, he is either an innocent man as he has always proclaimed, or he is a guilty man who was never actually found guilty.

The American's had ample opportunity to get their act together and didn't....and then to compound it by holding him for an additional 8 years is really beyond belief.

If he wasn't a radicalised Anti-West terrorist before his incarceration, it would be hardly surprising if he became so, now.
Another common sense post Jack ! the way, I already have two innocent neighbours, on my right and on my left !
What were they on trial for , mikey?
If he is due any compensation, it will be because we have yet again been toadying to the Americans. Blair blindly following the US into invasions that were none of our business.

The US were happy for our soldiers to die in their hundreds to fight for them in their revenge war, but they ignore requests for the release of British detainees for 13 years.

And we are still repeating the same mistakes running around in Syria following the US who haven't a clue what they are doing or which side they are on.
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And how, given that^, is *anyone* supposed to be able to show that they are innocent?

Are you saying that being in a position (however tenuous) to be accused of something is sufficient evidence of guilt?

That's how the historical Witch hunts started....
Shaker Aamed was deliberated renditioned to Cuba precisely so he was out of reach of justice.

He was denied a legal process, he did not evade it.
What you are saying amounts to terms once used, as "Coppers intuition", "Gut feeling" "Coppers Hunch".
More often than not they paid off and were successful. Now totally banned.
The great and the good expect the felons to voluntary give themselves up and supply the evidence before a charge may be considered by the CPS ( aka The Criminal Protection Service). I would imagine the same applies with Intel gathering by those who earn their crust in anti-terrorism measures and no more what is happening in the real world than the armchair sleuths in Answerbank.

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