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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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Slinky you must now some nice places to buy such expensive raffle prizes
Question Author
There you go slimky, you will soon feel better.
know you are treating patient - but can I sip of ethanol?
Has Britain got talent
No ABers are more gallant
We post the questions, we think we answer
In fact we just rely on Prancer.

Has Britain Got Talent
Of course, ABers are often arrant
Their queries are so screwed
Though some are clean and many lewd

ABers, it is true, we have talent
After all we are ever vibrant
Mamya and Alex always pliant
On their house so Giant

The AB portals are now unlocked
Come into be shocked
Come into be mocked
For that is us, all totally uncocked
Missing a verse!

Has Britain got talent
No ABers are more gallant
We post the questions, we think we answer
In fact we just rely on Prancer.

Has Britain Got Talent
Of course, ABers are often arrant
Their queries are so screwed
Though some are clean and many lewd

ABers, it is true, we have talent
After all we are ever vibrant
Mamya and Alex always pliant
On their house so Giant

The AB portals are now unlocked
Come into be shocked
Come into be mocked
For that is us, all totally uncocked

Tailcocks now abound, Tony V’s round
Glasses full and suddenly downed
ABers have talent,
its why we are just so, oh so, Gallant.
we seem to have to much food for four
just my normal shops tony,i have high expectations in all my shops,feel free to shop in katies'
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Wonderful bardsmanship as usual DTC.

Never fear the numbers will swell when word of these prizes get around.
ok Katie - will have a shop
Hello again all, sorry for the absence...wifely duties... you know what I mean...
My word, Dt , you are flexing that AB Laureate muscle again tonight.

Not so sure about your raffle prizes, though. Rather too much reliance on Amanda Holden for my liking.
Question Author
Oh please, don't say you have been on toenail duty again.
'Fraid so, Mamya.

And heel-sanding.
thought I saw gardner had a hard time mylady
planet is watching ABGT then?
Sorry, tony?
You thought you saw the gardener ?
DT and alexanderd usually manage the garden and the moat between them...

Or do you mean it was a hard time sanding lordalex's heels...ain't that the truth...
Must be alexander, I was busy putting down my poetic???scrawl inside the moat wall, watching the football as on came nightfall.
Lady - when I had a pint with your gardener in the village - he just said it was hard
footie, shmootie
Careful, Tony....

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