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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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I'm a pretty little thing,
Always coming with the spring;
In the meadows green I'm found,
Peeping just above the ground,
And my stalk is cover'd flat
With a white and yellow hat.

Little Nonna, when you pass
Lightly o'er the tender grass,
Skip about, but do not tread
On my bright but lowly AB head,
For I always seem to say,
"Surely I am here to stay."
Evening Love..were with the DJs crew...can we run cable through here.....?
I don't think so, Wu.

Can I suggest that you approach the folks next door in the Home for the Bewildered ?

Your songs seem a little too loud for us in here...and we have our speakers to consider. (Not the woofer and tweeter type, people speakers who come and speak to us on topics of interest like macrame and wine.)
no worries ,lady...weve got the band playing all night ,in the marquee
Now that is a fine tune, Wu. (I may call you Wu ? or would you prefer Tang ?)

Where exactly is the marquee? Your lawn or mine ?

(possibility of rent there, methinks...)
Lady - thanks for turning wu down - but by past experience he will return
Deal! it all right if the lads park...on..that bit of lawn?
DT. How sweet. So sorry you were adopted. I will definitely wear my green trousers and shirt together with my white and yellow hat when I begin work. How clever of you to know. Do stay!
There re parking charges, Wu.
DT is rather good at these verses, isn't he.

I expect he was well edumacated.
Lady - can I stay the night in cupboard with Mamy ?
Now if you had said edamame-cated I would have peed myself laughing
That would rather depend on Mamya
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excuse me Tony, should that question be addressed to me? I have my little Alfie to cuddle up to.

Shall I get the rental forms for Wu??
strictly cash with me ,love...
Very pretty
Rather witty
Education brings
Not excluding
very good DN! - think I am off to the Poets Corner in the Chapel to grab a few hours kip in a few minutes....seen the Bletchley movie before and nothing much else on.....
is this the'dead poets society tonight'
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Oh Katy, are you feeling a bit better.
WU Tang , I think you are being a little over-familiar.

Cash will be fine, but you must complete the forms. We never mix it with HMRC here. At least we haven't since that time....but I digress and do not wish to go into a decline again.

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