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Mad Over 50's Club now open

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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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lady - always carefull
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Now now Tony, too much ethanol, steady on.
Glad to hear it. Don't want any accidents as the insurance on this place is already ruinous.
I am not over 50, but i would like to donate a packet of 3 condoms (small) for your raffle, the way my love life is at the moment i wont be needing them.
I'm sorry for your trouble, Toff. Feel it is unlikely to be a much-sought -after prize, but you never know. Members have surprised me before.

Welcome to teh club, by the way. Our age limits are fairly flexible. Madness, however is a must.
Evening milady. Do excuse my tardiness. I have been installing a very small solar powered water cascade in my garden. Had to lie down in a darkened room afterwards.
I find this new technology rather frightening. Always find following instructions in pictures far more difficult that those in words.

For the trifle, 4 uninflated orange balloons
7 wooden clothes pegs
Assorted balls of knitting wool
A pair of Caister kippers
toff- to gain admission here you have to give me a back massage,i have a chest infarction and a wee rub in the right places should help.
Are you older than minus 50 as that also a case of two of XO, Lagavulin or an excellent 1er Cru.....
Ignore DT, Toff. Subscriptions are paid by standing order and if you would like a position on the staff...cellarer perhaps. I'm sure someone of your aristocratic ancestry would know your onions when it comes to plonk...Mamya has the direct debit forms to hand at all times.
That would be my pleasure Slinky, sorry DT, being slightly mad myself, haven't got a clue what you are on about
thats the qualification.....
Toff, you're in. No probs, old boy.
Do your friends call you Toffy ?
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DD forms for the Toff are you related to the Hoff!! How exciting.
ladyalex that would be an ideal situation for me, would i be meeting many ladies,
mamy wake me up when it's time to go home
Sorry, Daisy. Good evening and thank you so much for the trifles.
(Too busy trying to recruit another member of staff, Toffy the cellarer)
Lots of ladies come to the club, Toffy. And most of them visit the wine cellar...

Mamya...get his monicker on the DD.
Don't think its a great job, Toff, as to being cellarer. I thought about it but turned it down as her LS will have you muzzled so that you can not imbibe the stock.......
I know who's for the muzzle tonight...

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