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Mamyalynne | 20:16 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
183 Answers
Please gather round as her Ladyship must be delayed somewhat.


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I am not a Toff, that is my surname, my name is Steven Toff, i have been called the Toff all my life.
You poor, poor child.
Parents can be so cruel.

Steven...without a 'ph' that's harsh.
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Well it suits you so well Steven.

TonyV _ I will wake you later, won't let you get locked in.
Please, if its not too much trouble, may I have a tailcock? What do the initials stand for?
Toff Cat!
The ineffectual Toff Cat!
Once he's wrecked you all
Those friends
Who might call him D.C.
Must fit in his
Big Society.

Toff Cat!
The uninscrutable
Ratter of the pack,
He's the teeth, he's the jaws,
He's the tabby that roars,
He's the most snip-snap
Toff Cat.

Yes he's the cheese, he can purr,
See the blood on his fur,
He's the most snip-snap
Toff Cat.
ladyalex, you are so understanding, i think i am in love with you, xx.
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Daisy if I told you, then the recipe would be revealed, suffice to say they are highly flavoured with a variety of lovely ingrdients.
I'm sure there are some tailcocks on the side table, Daisy. Please help yourself.
As to the initials, we'll have to wait for Mamya for that.
Well, that is very pleasing, Toffy, but I must tell you that my heart belongs only to lordalex.
Even with his heels and toenails. (And Mamya can tell you all about them.)
Love it DT, have saved it and will put it on the notice board in my local, many thanks.
I could do with a part time job. Do you need an attic(k)er?
mamy - just give me a kick then
I'm always on the lookout for staff, Daisy. Has Mamya explained the terms and conditions?
A wee direct debit paying your wages into my account is all that I need from you and the post of atticker is yours.
see what i mean ladyalex about my love life, rejection all the time,
It's character-forming, Toffy.
Man up and take it on the chin.
Thankyou so much Ladyalex. It will make all the difference to me.Your rates are a pleasant surprise. I thought that you would charge much more. If it is acceptable I will take up my duties on Monday.
EXcellent, Daisy. I can rest easy with you in my attic.

Note to self...must look into raising the wages again.
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Now now, no melancholy Toff, and what a lovely ditty from the ditty man.

Tony I could never kick a man when he is down.

Daisy do sign these forms complete with all bank details, deductions start at bank opening on Monday.
Ooh yes. I have my special pen here with me to do just that.
mamy - have you put one of those green will yellow striprd tablets in my tailcock - feeling drousy

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