Welcome again to all our members, mad and madder, old and older.
The weather continues to be cold, wet and miserable, but a warm and jolly welcome awaits all who enter here. Notice the word 'dry' did not appear in the description of the welcome.
For tonight's raffle I have:
6 ice lolly moulds
2 of those blue thingeys for keeping coolboxes cool
1 tube of sun cream (factor 35)
Good evening all, apologies for my lateness. I have had a bit of trouble with the goats. I won't have a drink thank you as I may have to drive later. Lie in King, would you leave my coat on the end peg as I may have to go early too.
A pleasure as always, miss alba - do take care :-)
Good evening, miss Daisy - your flagon of Ole! I have left Eric the broom chatting happily with miss flump's poncho and some gloves owned by someone called Marigold.
Hi Daisy I would dearly like to win the invisible thread on a spool. I completed a labour of love years ago when I finished a tapestry in invisible yarn. Magnificent it is and you won't find a more handsome one.
lol @ matron, I swear I just saw some upside down ink. I had a newspaper printed in that once. Till my neighbour in the cafe I was sat upended it ....then the ink slid into its rightful place. Made reading it easier.......I was hurting reading stood upon my head.
Good evening Mi-Lady Im sure we bumped into your butler earlier,drunk as a fiddler's bitch;fortunately he was to elephants to recognise .me.I have for the lotto 104 losing betting slips