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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
hello all, Shaney you have earned your rum, Neti you have earned one too...people are awful about animals. I keep saying to my two that they don't know they are born.
I have done housework today so we are looking more normal and less muddy. Tonight I have two letters to write, been putting it off because I knew the letters wouldn't come out cheery.
two whats to write? Reaches for dictionary.

Day has gone well: no root canal required from the dentist so I went for a long walk in the snow in Richmond Park taking photos of the deer, as the sun came out and it was quite warm. Then another walk by the river. Came home to find car insurance quote had gone down this year from £300 to £200, so that's remarkable. Obviously they have decided the car is no longer worth anything except as scrap.
Good news and less pain Jno ,can't be bad .
I really envy you Richmond Park .Post some pics .
excellent news jno. The snow is kind of evaporating here so am hoping that we we go out somewhere tomorrow. Probably not for a proper walk because the forest is still icy and it was sheets of water before it all froze, but a drive out is better than nothing and they can pull faces at the cyclists and grumble at other dogs.
and here are some more
lovely pictures....
All I remember of Richmond Park is the cafetería! Any potos of that jno??
What are potos?

Btw, the cous cous was excellent, even I enjoyed it, but there is a lot left so Mr N will enjoy that tomorrow.
I didn't know there was a cafeteria there, neti, I only walked in the snow for an hour so I must have missed a lot. The place is huge. I did see the Royal Ballet School, which is in a mansion on the grounds, but I don't know what their coffee's like.
I only went for the coffee, it was a bribe to get me there to see the deer and things!
haha oh dear, no it wasn't that one, it was more of hut affair!
Ooh lovely pictures Jno .
I stayed at the Richmond Hill Hotel once upon a time .It was quaite naice .
I like Father Brown .Just watched this afternoons one .It was very sad .I could have smacked that little fat nun who was charge of the mother and baby home Why have they hidden this gem of a programme away during the daytime teevee.
apparently the hut is famous for its bacon butties Neti.
I know, its amazing isn't it Shaney and on every day. much better than the PG Wodehouse series.
Well woofy it certainly was more of a teapot cafe, bacon butties would fit the bill.
Oight oight from a frozen Norfolk. Will be back tomorrow. It's only 13 degrees in this 'glory hole'

Taken this morning - the outside of our conservatory

13 degrees, holy smoke. Somewhere round freezing here, probably just a bit warmer. That's about as bad as it gets. Cities do tend to be warmer than other places
I'm still sitting in here. The rest of the house is warm - got the woodburner on and no central heating, and this 'glory hole' although it has heating, is North east facing and is the old wash house with 2ft walls between it and the rest of the house. I use it as a fridge as well as a study. I need a laptop!!!!

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