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The facts surrounding both these boxers have been available for weeks.They are men - various Boxing federations have prevented them from boxing against women, only the IOC decided to ignore this and allow them to thump women on prime time TV.It is shameful.
10:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024

Lady Colin Campbell had a DSD which was, I understand, surgically corrected when she was older.

If 'she' has a y-chromosome 'she' is a man - however, she has been socialised and brought-up as a woman (as have both these boxers, apparently) and that is perfectly fine.

It should only really matter, as in this case, if they are competing against XX woman.

i am still confused . has this bloke got ladybits or meat and two veg.

sparklykid- whatever internal/external plumbing these 2 boxers have - they have a y-chromosome which makes them, genetically, men.

Sparkly, as far as I understand, lady bits.

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12:19 probably the most moronic post of the year. Men do not have a genetic advantage over other men. Sure some are better suited to events but that's the nature of competion.

No TTT the most moronic post is yours at 13.57! Eveyones genes are different -men have advantages over other men, and women have advantages over other women. Then you take Darwinism into the argument and certain athletes brought up in different areas have a distinct genetic advantage. A man in one area in the world in certain sports will have a genetic advantage over another man. Sex is irrelevant - gentic advantage applies to men and women. If they wanted to play basketball the Masai would have a genetic advantage over Pygmies 

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have a day off you plonker, what are you saying that unless every competitor is exactly the same they have a genetic advantage? Perlease it's well known that tall people are better at basketball and short people are better at limbo. Do the one you are good at. That's why there ain't any dwarves in the Harlem globetrotters! Gawd I've heard some idiocy in my time but you take the cream cake me old china!

JJ109 - Can you not see what you are writing?

All of those genetic advantages exist but within those groups, men compete against men and women against women. The unbalance occurs when men compete against women and, much as it pains me to say, I don't think I know of a sport where women will beat men.

Name calling shows that you can't defeat the argument that some males have genetic advantages over other males!

Grow up!

These women have a genetic advantage - yes

No, they don't.

They are men with a genetic advantage over the women they are fighting.

JJ109, your profile defines you as'male'.  Are you a man?

Naomi - look it up in the dictionary!

In the current climate, with men claiming to be female and women claiming to be male, that doesn't work.

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jj109 best stick to wordle me old china, you are out of your depth here.

Perhaps the sport requires a hermaphrodite class - let them fight one another.

Khandro - We don't need a third category The existing 2 are fine' men and women.

They simply have to be applied correctly.

in years to come he is going to be asked,how did you win that medal.....i beat a few women up,,,

As much as I'm loathe to make this personal, I can't help it...


To those spinning to the point they must be dizzy, let's say you had a daughter who trained 6 hours a day to become the best they can in their chosen discipline of boxing to achieve their goal of representing their country, and a biological man, with all the physical benefits that bestows, knocked seven colours of siht out of your daughter and stole her dream away.


I'd be bloody fuming and certainly wouldn't be excusing it with the spin bullsiht I've seen on this thread.

JTH wrote 'I don't think I know of a sport where women will beat men.'

try dressage , show jumping , eventing, shooting,curling, for starters 😂

The whole point is deskdiary that there is no hard evidence to prove these boxers are male. Some sources say yes some no and it all kicked off after one of them beat a Russian. It's all heresay and I'm sure the Olympic committee who sanctioned them to compete have more evidence in front of them than we do.

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Man Beats Woman At Boxing.....shocker!

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