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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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And it's also quite chilly here, in bed under the duvet in winter pj's and thick socks.
I spent yesterday being very scholarly, I have got myself a British Library reader's pass (like Karl Marx) and went there to read a book about the linen industry in County Down, since nobody else in the country seems to have a copy (I wonder why??). This was because one of my ancestors was a linen weaver there. It was rather academically written and got its principles confused with principals on page 1 (facepalm) but interesting all the same.

And today Gino the plumber came round and has partly sorted out our malfunctioning pipes. Tomorrow he's going to install a superpump that will make the basins work, make the loos work, make the shower work, and totally turn our lives around. I mustn't get my hopes up, though.
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Good morning biddies. Lovely sunny day here. Hope you are well and happy. I feel so weak and no energy so am just staying at home, we've all been shopping and breakfasting and it's wiped me out
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helloooooo tis cold here too. Have spent today doing odd jobs and pottering in the garden.
well, the new pump is providing instant hot water everywhere, which is wonderful. Unfortunately it kicks up a racket, especially for anyone sleeping in the guest room next to it (which a couple of visitors will be doing over the next month)so OH is already wondering if we should throw it away... sigh. Never pays to rush into things.
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Morning. My OH never rushes into things, drives me mad, I am an impulsive ( no! Not repulsive, ) also my tumble drier makes one he'll, of a racket where it vents out and I feel the people at the back ( well they shouldn't have bought such a tatty flat) must drive them mad.
We are hopefully going to San Antonio for lunch.
Hello all
Supposed to be partly sunny but not a glimmer as yet.Only a real feel of 10C.
Your pipes sound a bit like mine Jno .They've been kicking up a racket for a couple of days now :) Can't you turn it off at night?
I can't remember the last time I sat in lovely hot water .I haven't had a bath for about two months or a shower. I don't stink though,at least I hope not
Hope you're all ok.
A'noon....yes I thought it was cold yesterday until the wind dropped at teatime. Not a lot warmer today either, a rf of 11. Hey ho, I don't feel like doing anything I'm not sleeping recently. Might try and have a chat with my doc, he's back on full time cos two have left.
Shaney sometimes the only thing that makes me feel good is to stand in the shower so I feel for you.
Nothing entertaining to report. I might have a walk rind my grinds and ...well...just stare at all the stuff that needs doing. I managed to throw some bedding plants into three tubs in the past few days and apart from some nibbled petunias they're doing well.
yes, shaney, turning it off at night would work but it's currently connected to the timer for the whole system; if we switched it off for 8 hours the central heating would then run 8 hours behind... so we need to get someone to disconnect the two.

Unfortunately Gino is not ansering his phone... Shame, he seemed like a good competent plumber.

Nice sunny day out there without the cold wind we had yesterday. I have touched up the paintwork in the living room, polyfillad up some holes were ants were digging out soil, dug up some weeds, republished my family history book and had breakfast. I suppose it will soon be time for lunch.
That's very naughty of Gino.You should be able to set them independently of each other.Tella heem to coma back anna feex it properly :)
I've been looking at these leg protecters for bathing but they seem to made for midgets. They reckon 40 inches is a long leg. Not on me it isn't ..tut.
Might help if I didn't measure it in centimetres .What a fool I am
Don't know whether to buy one or not .Where's Woofy ?
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Shaney why not put leg in a plastic bin bag and prop on side of bath, still attached to you of course.
Been t San An for lunch but I ate more than I needed and felt sick. Home now in peace and quiet.
I can't do that Neti,not with my dodgy hips.I have to get in the bath with both feet firmly on the bottom of it and then lower myself into the water. Then keep both feet on the bottom to get out.
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Oh sorry shaney I forget some of you are not as young as me!! ;-)
Crikey neti, I definitely couldn't do that in the bath either. I go dizzy and wobbly sometimes just turning round in the shower.

My garden tap is dripping...I'm catching it in the can so at least it's not wasted. Better not bother ringing Gino then.
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I cant turn around in the shower it makes me dizzy, in fact having a shower makes me dizzy so only have them in the summer. I can defo sit in a bath tub with one leg resting on the side.
Evening all. Just letting you know I've had the plates and pins out of my wrist and I'm a bit incapacitated at the mo.(and fed up) Back at hospital tomorrow. Will be in touch again soon.
Keep BO like you always do my great Biddyfriends everywhere x
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Poor you Jude, but must be for the better?

Hello all. Shaney, how important is it to keep your leg dry? I honestly wouldn’t trust them to keep you bone dry :( The advice we used to give was if you want to bath, then try the protector but do it just before you are due to be redressed so if it all goes wrong you can get a fresh dry dressing quickly...maybe if you ask, the clinic might give you a spare one so you could bath and then redress it yourself if needed?
That’s good news that you have had the bits out Jude... Do I remember it got painful? you will soon heal I am sure.

Okay that’s surgery over, I hope the rest of you are keeping well? Knee is sort of ok but taking its time over stopping aching...still I managed to mow the lawn today so that’s good....time for bed I think, oight oight my dear friends.

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