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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
Hello all
Not a bad day ,quite warm in the sun but all downhill again tomorrow with rain and its turning muggy now.The long range forecast for the summer isn't very cheerful either according to Accu.
Been to clinic ,still bandaged up and also bumbling along.Or should that be stumbling
Great minds think alike Robinia .I've been toying with buying some false eyelashes as mine are sparse these days.I don't want to look like Dame Edna though :)
Mind you ,many years ago I had some on and was out dining and one fell off into my dinner.
Can you tell if we're frowning when we post jno? I pull impolite faces when I'm on the phone.

Ironing? Que? I don't worry about the ironing at midnight....or any domestic chore for that matter.

I'd like three lotto wins please.
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Shaney in Boots or was it Superdrug last year I bought a little grey mascara stick which really builds up the lashes , it's really good. The letter 12 springs to mind so maybe it cost £12!
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Shaney is the leg getting any better at all? Can you see it when they dress it. I bet they put honey and cobwebs on it!!
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Shaney it's by benefit and called " they're real" a little grey pot with a silver top.
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Hoe can i upload piccys on tablet or mobile phone to here, I've tried downloading tinypic for android, doesn't work,
I'll have a look out for that Neti. I can't seem to find a good mascara lately.I always used to have Max Factor 2000 Calorie but they seem to have changed it and it seems clumpy.
My leg is bloody sore.They put Flaminal on it today and a foam dressing and the Flaminol draws all the gunge out and don't I know it.It's sooo painful but will wear off by tomorrow hopefully with the help of painkillers. She picked lots of slough out of it today and it all bled .The honey wasn't a success .It all stuck to it and then they had pick that off.
I have no idea how to upload from a tablet .I think I did do it once by sending myself the picture in an email but that was from a photo I had in my gallery.Too complicated for me .
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Oh dear shaney is it suppurating? Nasty.
You can Google that mascara .
Just have and it looks good .It's about 20 quid.I'll have to wait until Robinia wins the lotto and then I'll send her a begging letter:)
waiting for Gino.... drums fingers
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Shaney do you get itv4 encore as the Americans starts on it
hello all...yes Robi, its been both chilly and heavy here today....most odd. I have had a frustrating day today. Was going to strim but the strimmer needs a battery charge, was going to plant up tubs but I forgot the compost isn’t coming till tomorrow, tried to extend my network to add a webcam....failed....tried to set up camera without extending network....failed....and knee is wobbly again...oh well....tomorrow is another day.
neti, I use “real" internet on my ipad rather than using apps and tinypic works like on a computer.
No we don't get ITV Encore Neti .It's a Sky thing and we've only got a basic Virgin package .I saw the trailer about it earlier.
Got the mascara from Ebay btw ,nowhere near as expensive as in the shops. I'll report back.
Not a successful day for you Woofy.You get days like that and I seem to get them more often than not lately.
Has Gino arrived yet Jno ? The excitement is killing me :)
Nighty nite all.

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Good morning biddies.
Oh dear woofy just dont plan anything for today. I had a lovely night's sleep once I heard hijas come in at 2am have overslept a bit .
Hope you are all ok. Woofy's knee. Jude"s arm Robi's wobbles shaney's leg and Jno's Gino!
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Woofy what do you mean real internet, how do I do that?
Shaney no worries, there's another 2 weeks left for The Americans and then I'll send it.
Good news about the mascara, take it easy at first and layer it, I love it. Tried my eyebrow mascara today, what a disaster, look like a scouse brows yuk so wiped it off and powdered it in as I do anyway! Expensive mistake!
I'm looking forward to it Neti.Very kind of you.
Well it's a dreary old day here ,cloudy and raining a bit .They did say it would be heavy but I think sometimes we're lucky here on the edge of the world as it tends out peter out by the time it gets to us if it's coming from the west.
I bought one of those eyebrow kit things with the powder and setting stuff and can't get on with it .Too heavy.It was only a Superbug cheapy though.
Hope everyone's ok .......and ....has Gino turned up yet ?
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Where for art thou Gino??
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Yes shaney I got a brow kit from K and Co cosmetics and it is very good and natural, but I dont use all the gubbins like the wax and stencils, just lightly brush in filling the gaps, bit like colouring in and you should be good at that. I hate anything too painted I also put a bit of lacquer on after to keep them in place, hate the Dennis Healey look!!!
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getting back to normal I have actually cooked meatballs and spaghetti, and they tasted ok!

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