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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Glad you like the mascara shaney, I was delighted when I found it.,I've had eyelashes dyed in the past, well, honestly you couldn't even see them, I thought they would look like they do when wearing mascara ; the girl said well you haven't many, well I jolly well have, as seen in benefit they're real. Wish I could apply this eyebrow mascara as it was £11 but I get worse everyday!
So now you can say you're on benefits!
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shaney's poc a poc, maybe this is why Gino is unavailable.....shaney has enchanted him!!!
That's given me a good laugh before bedtime Neti .The only person I seem to enchant is the butcher and he's a tubby little man with a comb over and a red face. He always says to me .." and what can I get for this lovely young lady" ....silly old fool,I'm probably older than him.
I expecta Gino issa molto bel giovanotto.
Night all ,sleep tight .

where did my post go?
can't be bothered to do it again...good moaning. It's one of those internett days it seems. I'm going to walk away from the puta right now.
I might use a general password for all shopping sites...


Is that strong enough? too many digits?
bit rude but funny

Shughy is worried. He started being worried about 05.30. I don’t think he knows why he is worried, and I certainly don’t but he is worried. I don’t think he’s ill and he has certainly eaten and slept on and off. I think its going to be a long day.
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Good morning. Just done shopping and had breakfast in a pleasant little local cafe. Wasn't hungry. I am so tired. It seems if I exert myself one day then I pay for it the next. We have friends here in the next village so have to visit them tonight!
That's funny woofy. Passwords are becoming a bore.
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And I'm with shugey, some days I just worry about nothing,
Brilliant woofy, sums up exactly how I felt earlier.

Same as Shughy here too. I go into extreme worry mode very quickly. I usually get the problem in perspective but by then I'm in an anxious state and I'm worried about feeling worried. Then I hate myself for it.
Maybe everyone's a bit screwed
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I get an awful nervous feeling, really really worrying and no idea why!
Finally done my ironing. Lots because I changed all he pillow shams so that waa 15 pillowcases before anything else!!
He’s finally stopped worrying :) It might have been the weather...he just couldn’t settle all morning. We might all nap this afternoon.
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All doled up as we are to going to a hotel to meet some friends. Am wearing my benefits. I just do not feel like going anywhere but bed. We'll stay a couple of hours and then back to my bed!
Goodnight all. Hope you enjoy this. I think it's great but I'm biased aren't I.
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Good morning all.
Jude i can't hear that, I have trouble with sound cloud, is it on youtube?
It was awful las night so cold and we went to couple of British bars but friends don't drink much and I didn't feel like it. We used to visit their hotel but it's gone all in which make it difficult now.I was so glad to get home. We have to go again on Wed. :-(
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Hope you are all ok.
Did the elusive butterfly err I mean Gino ever show.
not yet, Neti. We are going to the bank robbery comedy this afternoon so he'd better not turn up then.
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Hope you enjoy it jno, looks like a farce to me and I do not like them!
Have to say if Mr N treated his clients as Gino does, he wouldn't have much work,
Morning all
Warm and cloudy.
That's very nice Jude.I've got an earworm now :)
Hope you're all ok .I think I overdid it a bit yesterday wheeling the brown bin about and snipping stuff dans le jardin.It was nice to be outside though.
The benefit of this mascara Neti, is that it lasts for three days in spite of trying to wash it off,must get eye make up remover.
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I hadn't noticed that shaney. I always take mine off with baby wipes, takes a few wipes but it goes.
G'day...all got panda eyes have we? :) It's lovely and warm, I was sitting in the sun at 9am. Bit cloudy now but it's ok, I want to potter and I don't like the sun on my head.
Woofy it was a full moon last night, maybe Shughy is like me, a bit 'lunar'. :)

I can see that Jude, great song, lovely voice.

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