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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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03.51 can't sleep waiting for hija to get in!
Dear Email Beneficiary
We wish to inform you that you are one of the seven email beneficiaries approved to receive the sum of $1,500,000.00 USD in the on going United Nations poverty alleviation program 2016.

My plight has finally been recognised. It even has a big red APPROVED stamp on it. The hamburgers are on me!
Jno!!!! how exciting!!!!
Lol... don't spend it all at once Jno.I'll have chips with my burger please.
Cloudy day here and not all that warm.Good job the boiler is firing on all cylinders again.
Nurse for me and my leg today.That's not in the least bit exciting.
Hope you're all ok though .Don't forget to cut the crusts off the bread Neti.I can just picture you presiding over the teapot .Very Downton :)
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Good morning biddies.
Hope you have a good time jude.
I only have coffee pots but guess he won't know the difference. I make dreadful tea, gnats p***, but I like it vaguely black with a touch of cold water.
Sunny today but still a chill in the air. I'm still wearing jeans and boots and the fat wobbly pink tinged guirres are parading through the town looking revolting in shorts and summer dresses, ah well as long as they are enjoying it!
"Smiles beguilingly at jno!"
we had frends round for dinner last night and got through four bottles of prosecco. I had a little look through the bushes this morning to see if I could find where the corks landed but no luck. I hope the UN don't tind out about our alcohol spending, I might be struck off their list.

Well, it started out sunny here but it's changing its mind.
A'noon is International Tiara Day.. I hope you've got your best ones on.

errr, what about my plight? I look after the environment you know. Just had a sack of sunflower hearts delivered, these wild birds cost me a fortune.

It started sunny here too, it's mild but cloudy now, thankfully we don't need any heating here but weather woman said it's going to drop. The bloomin' snails have been at my tubs and they were doing so well....grrrr. Anyway I found some hidden under the rims so I've sent them to neti's for tea.

oooh, itchy back, had my hair cut.....
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Oh love snails, but not very English afternoon tea ish are they?
Just received a new charger from lidl for my vacuum cleaner which I broke, special delivery and no charge, very nice!
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Shaney did you realise that Gaad in the Americans was John-Boy in the Waltons? I didn't but then I never watched it.
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Wasn't sure if hija was just hungover or still tipsy so wouldn't let her have the car for work, luckily she got the Ibiza bus and had a bit of a walk. Mr N has to collect her at 1.30 poor man, I would do it but the back road is in repair and there no way I could go on the main road at night. Last time I tried driving at night it took me an hour to do a 20 min drive, can't see a thing,
I have had the oddest day. Bursts of huge activity followed by sleep, wake up and start again. I have had about 4 mini days in one.
My birds like the fat and goodness knows what mix that is tiny nuggets and yes, they cost more to feed than I do.
Prosecco corks in the garden Hello Magazine of you!!
oight oight all....Shaney have you still got your leg...Neti, do not feed Robi’s snails to the guardia. I have to come straight home from the hairdresser and shower the hair off, I itch like mad.
this is my crown for the Queen’s birthday but tinypic has put it upside down :(
Wow, that's lovely Woofy .Did you make it yourself ? Very nice.It came out the right way up when I clicked on view raw image .
Do we have to curtsy now
I've still got my leg and she picked more stuff off and bandaged it up again.
No I didn't know that Neti ,never watched the Waltons either .
I watched In the club tonight .It's all got a bit silly with that baby switching .
As if the nurse would have let some strange woman take the baby to change it etc even if she did claim to have found it abandoned in the toilets when it was really hers.
Night all.
that's very smart, woofgang, you could wear it down to the harbour next time one of those ginormus liners comes in, and see how many American tourists kneel before you.
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Good morning.
Yes I love that frown woofy you are very talented. I supposed our shaney is in her tiara.
Had a better night's sleep after Mr N came back with hija.
He did his colon cancer test today so I'm have to pop that into the health centre, wonder when my turn will come? Have any of you done it yet?
Bit of a grey day here!
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Frown woofy? Crown!!
I’d love to wear it but its a tad too small. Its to go on my front door pot display with red white and blue flowers. We have also got bunting and flags because silly is good. by 'eck, it's parky. Grey skies and a miserable rf of 7C.
Got a low grade headache, probably the weather change. I woke up far too early with it but at least I had some sleep to wake from.

Lovely woofy, will it be sat on a cushion made from a Hermes headscarf?

I only watched the very first episode of In The Club shaney and that was enough.

I've discovered a very balanced 'dessert' slices in one hand and M&S Belgian biscuit curls in the other :)
Morning all
Bit grim here too,raining and only a real feel of 10C.We've got the heating on.
I only stuck with it because Paul Nicholls is in it Robinia.It's got a bit daft yet I liked the first series.
We get a bowel cancer test every couple of years Neti ,you have to dab bits of pooh on a card with a stick and post it off.
cushion will be red white and blue flowers if I can get lobelia but alyssum seems in short supply. Have got wonderful red geraniums and white daisies for the flanking tubs though.

yup done poo sticks twice now. got to say the novelty wears off...

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