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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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Hello dears - am not mentioning the fact that the sun if out, the sky is blue, etc. Had to remove duvet from bed yesterday, and am in thinner pj's. Unfortunately I fear winter has gone - and I miss it.

jno B Manilow will be in the closet (ahem, what's new?) with George, fire insert, and pressure cookers.
hands out neck warmers, leg warmers, w......

that's enough warm things. Bright & sunny here but very cold. Van man I was waiting for turned out to be van lady baring 3 inches of midriff....had to send her off with a libby & some kidney pills. Not a word of thanks either..... tut.

squirms.....oooh is it a biddy thing? I'm just not compatible with underwear rides up, drops down, digs in & itches. And don't mention straps, I've had them spontaneously flirt out of my neckhole at most inappropriate times....scared the heck out of the woman in the post-office, I think she thought it was an's cotton vests from now on.

So agree with you there, Robinia I even started buying M&S knickers, and even they are slightly uncomfy, the label at the back itches and I'm quite fidgetty in the lower region, as the gusset's not as wide as it should be. Bras are very very uncomfortable - maybe I'm just changing shape! Nappy pads for me from now on!!
Afternoon, possums.

"Talking amongst myself" - I'll have her know I'm not a schizophrenic - and neither am I, for that matter.

Yep, guess I was talking amongst myself last Tuesday, Robinia. I thought I was talking to Shaney, she was there but she just walked through the room like some Cyber Ophelia. I was standing on my head and she walked right past. It was almost as if she was seeing things. Sad, really.

I had an email from an old friend telling me she's now a grandmother. You know, it's so weird, when I was young it never felt odd that my friends were having children while I wasn't, but now that my friends are becoming grandparents - that's a strange feeling. (I'm very happy for her, though!)

My beautiful language.

Shaney will now translate the lyrics for you.

Back a little later.
So... I guess...

Vinny finally abducted Robinia and they both joined the British section of the whirling whatchamacallits, spinning around their axes as they were the last time we saw them,

jno is lurking by the mail box waiting for her discreet package (star stencils), not yet cognizant of the fatal mix-up made by the new girl at's customer order department,

Shaney is wondering whether it really was her own piece she picked up at the lost and found after the last gale - was it? - ,

Dolly is a bit confused, thinking that they don't make kangaroos the way they used to anymore,

Neti is taking up her operatic training again,

Jude is dancing like nobody's business

...and Kit is saying have a nice weekend, y'all. Bye now!
I can't view the last link, can you? If not, copy and paste

oh dear, empty're making a habit of this talking to yourself're a true biddy.
Grandchildren.....yep, sticky noisy monsters who wreck your house, empty your purse....& eat all your maltesers.
Love all your pics, especially neti .....haha...


mmm, 'tis a bit empty in here.....I don't know whether to have a haircut or go fishing......nowt on telly.....
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Morning peeps,sorry I havent answered any posts.
I have got meself one of those bugs...heavy head..bad belly...aching things all over....I wanna go back to bed...but zupperbug calls....I try and get on later...take care.....zapped and bugged...(:O)
Poor Vinny you have the superbug!!! Have you been sniffing that contaminated petrol??

Dare I say it - lovely sunny warm day here, but pollen everywhere, drives me mad, I have a very large patio, and no sooner have I swept it, then it's covered again with this yellow dust, and I don't even have a pine tree!! Luckily poor daughter isn't here as she is allergic to it, and don't think there are many pine trees where she lives.

Hi there kit ranting to yourself again I see, keep it up, you are very amusing!

Hello to the rest of the Biddies - see you later!
bordid....(think I've got a cold now) :o(

ooh poor you Vinny it's horrible ....shall we have a shooting day as me neighbour says? don't worry we'll soldier on in here until you feel better.
well, the others might....think I've got to go out myself (long day job) ....d'oh, beam me up somebody.

oh heck neti....pollen already? does me no good at all either - I think it's trees, not flowers, that are my prob too.

well, this is a nice cheerful post, hahaha......<tries to think positively>.....erm......erm......buttercup syrup tastes lovely.

aye Robinia, try to imagine yourself being serenaded by Cliff and Bazza singing a duet... there now, doesn't that lift the spirits?

Thanks for the picture, Kit... I never seem to be online when you are... I think I was wrestling with an office-wide computer crash last night... I imagine Swedish computers don't do that sort of thing, if they're feeling overheated they just relax, drink a little expensive aquavit, gor for a ride round the forest on a reindeer till things have cooled down again...
Morning all. Not been on lately been quite busy sorting Dad's bungalow out. Years and years of stuff he and Mum collected. Didn't get my picture Kit never mind I'm not good at them anyway.
Well guess who's going out tonight for the first time for about 6 weeks. Going to see Manilow lookalike Neti . Remember -Andy Walker so I'm looking forward to a bit of a dance.
Went to the Crem yesterday to spread Dad's Ashes where my Mum's were put in 2001. I found it quite overwhelming as I had never done it before - now I think it's time to get on with my life as I know they would have wanted me to.
Get well soon Vinny and hope the rest of you are alright. See you soon :o) x
I feel as if I have been pulled through a hedge backwards ...awful night here ,stormy.lashing with rain and blowing a gale ....whoever slept through it deserves a medal .
Nice to see you Jude ..hope things soon get back to normal for you now. all takes time .Let your hair down tonight will do you good.

Oh dear poor Vinny ..all that bobbing about in boats trying to get away from us ...I expect you've caught a chill.
I'll send matron round to take your temperature arts/matron.jpg

Hope you soon feel better !
Good on yer jude, seeing as I can't have the original Manilow, maybe Andy would hide in my closet - hmmm! Have a good time, I'm staying in I think, knees are playing up.
What's this then? Half day closing? << shuffles off leaving echoing footsteps behind her>>
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Good Morning,feeling a lot better thankyou,just got to shift the fuzzy head...must go to the barbers.
And I thought it would be cruel to deprive you of my that the sound of doors shutting...<doors of perception no less<
I was thinking about my dad this morning,he was always saying were be alright when his ship come's in...except the time when we won the pools,but me mum forgot to post the coupon .....a ship lost in the post...hehe..!
thanks for all the pics do work hard...carry on like this, and we will have to put you on wages..1/3d an hour okay..right me gonna brave them nasty elements and fetch the paper.....anyone seen me southwester...!(:O)
buon giorno all...

glad to see you back Jude hope you enjoyed yourself...did you see the eclipse of the moon on your way home? It was a very clear night to view it.
looks like it's batten down the hatches for this afternoon.

good to see windy has made a recovery .....he won't need this tea & toast then, I'll make it disappear before he gets back...what he doesn't know about.....

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<sniffs...smell like some blighters bin scoffing toast> the eclipse was brill...I took this photo...could have done with one of jno's camera's flash was to powerfull...hehe..!
vinny does a moony (:O)
Morning All Had a great night plenty of Rock and Roll. Yes Robinia saw the eclipse - we kept nipping out to have a look -then on my way home it was 'going off the other side' - you know what I mean don't yer. Didn't get up til 9.00 which is 'humungously' late for me! Going to cook today but don't know what yet. I think Sundays are going to be a bit strange for me for a bit.
I will have to do some cleaning too. I have a man coming tomorrow to check the work that my electrician (yes I have one of those as well lol) did for me when he rewired for me last week.
Pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better Vinny.
Hope everybody else is ok. See you later :o)

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