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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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Well I am undone's been piddling down all day and I now find that Life on Mars has been replaced by BBC 1 this evening in favour of a ruddy football match ! Grrr......
Hi Shaney! If you've nothing to do you can always tell me about all the places you've been. List, please. (You've mentioned quite a few countries en passant, including Sweden. Time to elaborate! (If you're bored.)

Oh the things that glow in the dark.
"There are partially fluorescent green pigs elsewhere" - such as where?! Anywhere you've been, Shaney?

No I swear, those are just my glow in the dark feather dusters! They look like that in Sweden!
Guess she must be enjoying the football after all... Gotta go now, but just in case you are writing an essay on your travels, Shaney, I will be sure to read it the next time around.

By the way, it's Hundertwasserhaus, of course, not 'house' as I wrote - if anyone wants to google for it.

Bye now!
ooh dear were you chatting amongst yourself Kit? shaney must have hit the gin & is dreaming of little green men (that probably glow in the dark). Love Vinny's teeny tiny tub....not much room to play submarines tho' ....

I could have told you all about my planet but maybe it's best that earth mortals don't know too much. Instead you can see me on my flying duvet & listen to one of my favourite luvvy-duvvysongs

oh, mothership calls......
oh poop, so sorry Kit...I clean forgot to not ask about the dentist....
I hope to see the Hundertwasserhouse some day, Kit. Actually, I should have made a pilgrimage to see the Kawakawa loo when I was in New Zealand last month but I just didn't get around to it; pity. Perhaps the Biddies could move in there sometime.

Anything in particular I shouldn't be asking about the dentist? My own last trip was the root-canal-without-anaesthetic, so I feel I know most of the answers already.
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Mornin bids,hope your all gettin out of here..we got a nasty storm at the mo...catch you later..(*_*)
oh no, Vinny... sounds like 'Storm in Channel - Europe cut off'!
Oh - am I cut off?? it's lovely here, almost summerish.
And twice Thwack
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<plugs putta back in.. thwacks netti>
bloomin heck...thunder and lighting as night it minute its sunny...on and off all morning..
but thats enough
about me sex life...hehe..!.(:O)
catch you later dude's !
<thwack... thwack... thwack>
<props eyes open>

'allo....wild & windy here & so's the weather.
don't you just hate getting older sometimes? eyebrows aren't content with sprouting grey ones but now they're making a break for it in different directions...& that goes for eyelashes as well...I'm starting to look like a venus fly-trap....tut

Huh - jealous beggars!!

poor neti

Ed sort 'em out!
Actually , I am more unconscious looking thusly =

real neti lying on floor
You can get your eyebrows tattooed on now you know Robinia hahaha .....then you can go around saying Eye by gum ....
As for that neti .....Quadruple Thwack
pants on fire netibiza!!....and you know what that'll do to Windy .....better put sommink in his tea....

hahaha.... lol shaney.... that's so strange 'cos only a couple of days ago something reminded me of a woman who lived opposite us when I was small....she always wore a scarf turban style, orange make up & drew her eyebrows on ....scary!! you didn't mess with her....
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Beware, one more thwack and ....

neti fights back!

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