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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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....and I knew neti had been shopping today shaney....oh lordy, I'm hysterical here....

Well ....if he thinks he can hide behind his nets in the dark he's got another think coming !!
Turn all the lights out indeed ! He's always leaving that landing light on .....
ooh don't mention lights shaney...I've had a bulb go every night since saturday. Good job my puta screen is bright.
I wonder if he has lit a Prices Candle .....makes you think ......what is he doing in the dark ? Do you think he will be able to locate his Becks ?
perhaps that thingummy the nurse put on his hand glows in the dark....hehe....
what's the idea with this???!!!

that's all you need - your bloomin moggy crashing around the house in the dark...!
gawd, just realised the name's a bit dodgy......oh no I'm off again....... hahahaha.....
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hehe..! Ive got a rowing boat tied up on the beach full of becks..anybody knocks me door...Im off to hearties..!(:O)
It's no good sneaking off ...we have you pinpointed on our map ! index.jpg
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Erm...think your butlers bin on the ole sherry again shaney
Air conditioning anybody...
hehe (:O)
lol shaney....
<waves to Vinny>
it's not much good if you've only one hand to row with

a nice toon for you as you bob around & arund & around to
see you in the morning... haha
tch, off to Lundy while I am stuck here till Mercredy at least

we should synchronise our departure... 1450081_swim1.jpg
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Fire..! (:O)
hello there dearies - yes, you are right Robinia I did go shopping yesterday, and lordy lordy my credit card was up to it's limit- so was very embarrassed, and tiptoed out (but they let me keep the shopping) I'll go back today to pay. We do have the money in the bank, and it'll be paid off this week, but I use it like a debit card. It was this posh hotel nonsense taking up my allowance, oh and the clothes and shoes and rings and things! Daren't tell Mr N as he doesn't realise exactly what I spent!!!
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Buon biddies..
Ive booked a free holiday for all my biddys friends at xmas 2012..hope you like the Bahamas................ooops.....
oh paper says the The Mayans an ancient civilisation,predicts the end of the World on the 22nd....sugar oh merda succede...hehe...! (:O)
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I was just eating me breakfast...(:O)
morning all.....

big TUT neti what's mr tidytins going to be dining on this week?
hahaha ....yep that was me I lied about being a stick insect...

have you got your land legs back yet Vinny? seems you're not over-charging for your buffering just haven't been paying enough for ya lentils & becks. The bills on it's way....looks like the tin bath's back in.
2012? mmmm, buy now pay in 2013 it is then....

persisting down here..... grrrr....don't think the 'rain before 7, dry before 11' is going to apply so it's on with the rainhat then....
Hello possums! Been to the dentist. Don't ask. Going back to the dentist. Don't ask.

Hundertwasser is an old favourite of mine, jno, so that public toilet of yours really hit home with me. My late cat, however, wasn't a fan. I used to keep a framed psychiatry conference poster of Hundertwasser's by my bed (reassuring, huh) and one day it fell down and missed her by not so many inches. Later on, I kept a big picture of the Vienna Hundertwasserhouse in my kitchen and that fell down, behind the stove, and I never saw it again. (Note to self: Get married or learn how to use a drill, one or the other!)

Shopping is one thing, Neti, but take the car the next time or I'll report you.

And as for you, Vinny, take the new one instead of the old one the next time you're trying to escape. Or, if you prefer hiding at home, you could get one of these. (Honestly, Robinia, those overcharging accusations... I just don't think he did it. Don't know how I know. Just my imagination I suppose.)

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