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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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very lovely Vinny but couldn't you have got a little nearer?...stood on a bar stool or sommink?
Jude..... I misread your post, I'm a bit tired - thought you were going off the other side ....wasn't sure whether it meant you were reeling or..... erm.... going to 'bat for the other side'....hahahahaha.....
Afternoon all - had had my lunch and wine, so am being very quiet now. Have just watched "The Perfume" what a strange film! maybe because my supplier recorded it back to front, so saw end first, by the time the beginning came on I was fed up- have decided that I want Alan Rickman in my cupboard too Robinia I may just throw bazza to the wind!!
Robinia and what are sneaking around the Yahoo Biddybank for? No there is nothing from Baz there anymore as shaney's butler cleaned it all out, or at least I paid him to, maybe he been shirking!
well he hasn't done much of a job has he? I think you'd better demand your money back
before he spends it all on another designer pet
He's so doddery it's unbelievable ..he's getting to resemble Lampwick good asking him to whip round with a duster....he forgets where he put them ...too much Brasso sniffing if you ask me .
My poor old Shaney is getting worse ..I had an awful night with him and out up and down .....he was just laying in the garden this morning at 4am staring at nothing and would not come in. Silly old boy .....he seems livelier today though ...Do you think dogs can get Alzheimers ?
ah, I got up to a clear blue sky and sunshine... now it's all gone... for heaven's sake, it was only 5 minutes ago... Doesn't pay to blink here, does it?

Am trying to think what to get a guy for a 30th anniversary, given that, not being a pirate, he's unlikely to wear an actual pearl in his ear or elsewhere. Something discreet out of mother of pearl maybe... any lateral-thinking ideas welcome...
Morning all, hope Vinny is feeling better and shaney the dog also. I think animals can have mental probs as my cat has. She shouts to get in the front door, goes straight to the back door and shouts to get out, the outside is all connected. She seems to forget when shes done something. Hope shaney (the dog) is more alert today.

Hope jude is getting over her night out, did she get Andy for me?

and then there's Robinia hope you are ok today, I think you need a bit of fat on yer bones girl! (I have some spare!)
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Morning all,thanks netti...the ole heads cleared all the rubbish out now...erm...dont mean im not gonna post any ..
I once had a tie for xmas jno..and it had a diamond inbedded on the front , turned out to be one of them copy thingys...maybe some mother of pearl knuckle dusters....handy for polishing the furniture...or these would be nice to go and recycle me ole bath and toilet..catch you later ...(:O)
a'noon ovalteenies....

had a big pruning job int' garden done s'morning so I've now gained a space...I could always have one of the old biddy grottos installed & use it as a summer house I suppose....
I'll nip back & have a measure up....>>>>>

~~~ dreams...I can spend sultry afternoons tripping over empties, swatting carpet beetles & picking grilled cheese off threadbare chaises..... bliss ~~~.

hang on! who moved this trollop in?....Vincent!!

so that's where he is when he goes quiet...and isn't that neti's coat she's wearing?....oooh, there's gonna be terrrrrubble....

pearls....? erm......
my friends are having a think for you jno

No Robinia that is neti wearing neti's coat - bah!
rubs eyes.... wipes screen with sleeve....borrows shaney's specs....

yeh, right neti.....of course, silly me

poor woman, doesn't even recognise herself, never mind us....
Evening, possums! Thankyou ever so much for saying that I'm "very amusing", Neti. But, ha ha, that just reminds me of something one of my oldest friends said. She once let out how funny she used to think I was - before she met me. (We were veggie penpals for a couple of years, living in different cities.) Live, I'm more like this, I'm afraid. But we're still friends, after 25 years, so I guess maybe I'm a good friend if nothing else. (Although, come to think of it, she did move away from Stockholm shortly after I moved here...?)

So, anyway, about my rantings... the thing is, I'm afflicted with some pain and discomfort (nothing fatal, as I've mentioned). Taking walks and making intermediate landings at different computers down the road, 'working' on the internet for a while, allows me to disconnect from it all, a bit. I'm not unaware that this walk-talk-m.o. tends to create whole clusters of Swedish matter... Hope that's okay! Think of it as old-fashioned letters! Or, better yet, interrupt me. They just aren't always as trigger happy as they should be, that lot.

one hit wonder norman
I love that song, also liked the Gareth Gates version. Oh to be young and nimble again, to be able to leap about and dance without passing unexpected wind!
hurries in with WD40
what's squeaking in here?

hi Kit....oh dear, is it you? do you need a squirt of this? haha...yes I'm afflicted in many ways too but I don't suppose it's gone unnoticed....

I've heard about some of those swedish veggies
lol Robi where do you find these gems?
Shame on you, Neti - nobody else LOLs and ROFLs in the library computer room, just me! Just listened to Gareth Gates on YouTube, not bad, but not quite as wicked as the old one. Oh but I love the Kumars! / About cats, I thought they all hate and despise closed doors - hasn't yours, until now?

But yes animals do get Alzheimer's too, Shaney. Isn't it also possible that his vanishing eyesight confuses him? I think if I were a dog losing my eyesight I'd try different places, to sort of look for myself there. "Perhaps if I lie down here, things will seem familiar again. Nope. Not here. Okay I'll try the garden then." And so forth.

All these ologies and algias - that's no way to run a biddy business. I've rented a bus to take us to THIS grotto! (Do you know it? Go on, guess - begins with an L, and miracles take place there.) Pets allowed, I hope. Who's driving?
in me closet.....
I don't have a Baz...or a george....or appliances.... :o(
Norman was a double one-hit-wonder... also part of Dr West's Medicine Show and Junk Band, who recorded the really wonderful Eggplant that Ate Chicago. Haven't got time to trawl YouTube to see if a video of this marvel of psychedelic surrealistic jugbandery exists
...and shame on you too, Robinina - just when people had stopped looking sternly at me. Yes Sweden is full of sexy vegetarians, just as you saw on that picture of me sleeping in front of the telly. I didn't win the polls, though, this guy did. The sign says to stop bloody bullfighting, and he also suggests running nudes instead of running bulls in Pamplona. I've heard him on the radio, he's got a beautiful mind. Shame about the body.

True, your squeaking has not gone unnoticed either, Robinia, although if you've described the causes in detail, I have not seen those posts. (That's not an inquisitive question, just a piece of information.) I am positively sending over that YouTube trampoline fox (remember?) to thump on your mattress, but don't blame me when you crash through the ceiling.

"When my ship comes in..." I've got an entire armada out there, Vinny... Your lost in the post story reminded me of a heartbreaking, true story I heard maybe thirty years ago. It's incredibly sad but I'll tell it anyway as it does have something to say. But that's a story for another day, the library will be closing soon. / Did your mother ever hear the end of it?

Bye now!

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