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What Shall I Do?

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abbeylee90 | 15:04 Sun 14th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
315 Answers

I've deiced to make a new thread so I'm having trouble at work I been getting 37.5 hours per week but bow said they havent got the budget to pay me  overtime.I got 10 which is 2 hours per day which im not happy about. Before after my 2 week trial on the till they said they would give me my new contract I don't why they haven't unless because someone came back or after my probation. I'm also having trouble with a supervisor I don't think she likes me but she brought there have been issues with me scanning items wrong and they loosing stock. I don't feel respected.



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Good move. There's a long way to go and you'll need to get time off from Selco to go for any interviews/aptitude tests,  but it does sound more like something that would suit you.

Abbey is only doing 2 hours a day.  She'll probably be able to fit an interview in around that.

Yes, although we thought that about the hair appointment.

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When I booked my hair I was working full time and yes if I book an afternoon slot that's enough to go to work and interview after.

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If they ask at an interview why am I leaving my job what do I say?

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They've done rotas 6 weeks in advance someone could leave in that time

Tell the truth.  You're only on ten hours at the moment and you want full time work.  

"If they ask at an interview why am I leaving my job what do I say?"

That should be obvious...they aren't able to give you sufficient hours. You'd prefer a single job that is full time.

Have the rotas given you any more hours?

You could just give them links to your posts on here, in case you miss anything out.

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Pasta no still the same

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Just thinking what I might do is if I get another job work at selco for abit for 2 hours 

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So in September I got 1 shift to cover someone holiday which won't do much 

Maybe 10 hours a week is enough for you. You said you'd had a bumper paypacket last week and managed to put a  lot away in your savings account and get a ticket for the Anne Marie concert

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But it won't last forever going forward 


But it's good to know you're planning to go forwards

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Do I claim job seekers for now as I'm working under 16 hours or leave it?

No harm in finding out any benefits you are entitled to.  Its then up to you if you decide to claim them.

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I am entitled. My colleague is always on her own on checkout lately when it's busy so they won't put me on.

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I haven't told any of my friends or family  this to ashamed 😕 

It's best to tell them so they understand why you may not be available to spend so much on gigs, nails, bottomless brunches, takeaways etc and so your mum knows why your not treating her to takeaways in return for the way she treats you

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