In the 23 years since the attack, an additional 370 firefighters have died from illnesses caused by exposure to toxins on Ground Zero, members of the FDNY said on... ...
I couldn't believe my ears last night, when our local news show said there will be some frost on Friday. I'm thinking hang its still technically summer.
Its a repeating patern Was arrestest tuesday night for assaualting two of my neighbours who have each been friedsbfor over 20 0 yrs. obiodsly i was drunk but got no memory. j. lAst people on on earth... ... every one knows a lie detector cannot be relied on which is why they don't use them in... ...
What artist(s) do wish that you COULD have seen but never got round to it? For me it would be Queen. One of my regrets in life that I never got to see them live.
Maybe its me,but seems to me that a Beatles tribute band getting back together again takes precedence over more major events in the world.Anyone else feel the same?
...further restrictions on where a smoker can indulge his vice. It seems the puritans in office are out to limit our simple pleasures. Where WILL we be allowed to smoke?
Anyone here got any personal experience of making wine from fruit please? I have picked quite a large amount of plums and thought I might make wine with them. I know you are supposed to put the... ...
We no longer have an outside telephone line. We have a Panasonic handset with two aditional phones which we no longer need. I am going to put them on to Freegle for anyone who wants them. Do I need... ...
Good Morning, Is it possible to have a 12 hour faint? If an ambulance was called because of a 12 hour faint would they take you to hospital? My thoughts are if you have a 12 hour 'faint' then... ...
The police are closing some of London's streets this weekend so that everyone can enjoy, 'Pakistani Independence Day'. I hope you will you be celebrating. Will you? Do they mean us? They surely... ...
Labour gives in to its union pay masters again meanwhile old people wil freeze. ...
. . . fancy going? I think that if I was much younger (and, of course, much wealthier!) I might be tempted. The scenery certainly looks impressive!...