The bearded I been on about that I went on 2 dates with I blocked on WhatsApp as not interested but last night he txt after weeks of sending me his last WhatsApp message. I just thought he would... ...
Basically my hours have been cut in selco to 24 hours for 4 weeks as I am not grasping the products with it becoming summer it is getting busy and they can't have another cashier with me so if I... ...
As I explained in the previous thread I'm going to a leaving do Saturday and wondered which ones I already got should I wear? ...
This guy I work with he married with 2 girls. We get on really well I feel like I can have a good conversation and have a right laugh about anything also have good banter and lovely day when he is... ...
One of my friends was sick other day all over the carpet obviously we put her in a taxi but we were all asked to leave after she left there was loads of us and table was booked. I don't know if we... ...
Right so the volunteer I messaged after the fight the bulldog I was walking was that man I been talking about on here. I messaged him after for advice as he had incidents with dogs before. I just... ...
Last week I went on a date with a guy I met on the Internet he very confident and has a big personality but what I don't like is beard and eyebrow piercing he wants to meet up this week before he... ...