This morning I woke up with my cat cleo wrapped around my head...her fluffy tail was curled around my left ear, and her head rested against my right cheek as she "paddled" my shoulder and rumbled...
I am struggling alot with my nearly 3 year old. Her Dad and i seperated about 5 months ago and over the past couple of months when he comes round she screams the house down tells him she doesn't like...
I had my nephew (8) stay with me over the weekend because both of his parents had plans (separately). I am not sure if I am being too over sensitive on my feelings now that he has gone home. I am...
Ive been feeling really tired all the time recently and just want to sleep. My emotions are all over the place and cry for no real reason. Just feel generally low. Just wanted some advice on what...
Hello, My cat caught a mouse yesterday and I managed to rescue it. The poor little thing cannot walk properly as it has injured its leg. I have put it in a box out of reach from said cat, but I am not...
My family were rain coats do any of you answer bank users were them? and if you do show me some photos. Please thanks. And some good looking girls show me a photo of you wereing raincoats thanks. 0.dog_stabbed_55_times_and_has_throat_slit.php Do you think this poor animal was being used for dog fights and deserved to die like this because it...
On TV this morning they said that people nowadays dont get to see their grandparents because they live to far away. How many of you still visit your grandparents regularly, or if you dont have any but...
most in life don't you think! What little things matter most to you? Sleeping on clean sheets, The smell of freshly made coffee, Flowers blooming . What little things matter most to you?
I left my husband of 6 years in April due to his lack of help around the house. He used to go fishing all the time and leave me with the children. I would come home from work he would be watching...
when you know they have so much to tell you, but you just aren't in the right frame of mind to listen? I am feeling like this with someone who has, it seems, taken over a good bit of my life in the...
I am 48 years old very attractive siz 8. I have been going out with a guy who is 48 also for the last 8 years, they were tough years I left him many times and we got back together again because I...
Good morning all, i have an 1yr old sproker who is a great wee dog, we got her at 9mths old, but dear lord trying to get her to come back to you when she is off the lead is becoming a nightmare, tried...
I have an 11month old kitten who we have just introduced to our new 8 week old kitten, the problem is that the 11 month old kitten is terrified of the 8 week old and so far all she has done is run and...
(Sorry, posted in home and garden. Probably better off here?) Just having one installed. It's the type with a half bowl and removable strainer which is next to the main sink. We are having a waste...
Hi, I have about 12-13 goldfish in a pond in my garden however i have just noticed that 2 of them have what loooks like black spots on them and there tails have gone black as well!! Can you please...
Is there a standard amount of notice that a landlord must give the tenant for a rent increase? I have an assured shorthold tenancy, if this makes any difference. I received a letter on the 25 May...
I have a 12 year old daughter, who has a poor self image. I understand that what we see in the mirror isn't what other people see, but I give praise, I pay her compliments on how she looks, I do...
When I close the cupboard doors in our new kitchen they slam themselves shut with a loud "bang!" every time. How can I stop this? Are there wee pads or something I could stick inside the cupboards...