There are mascaras about with are double ended,one end has a white mascara which one applies first ,then the other end has the mascara(black/brown). Can one still get the..if so..does anyone know the...
wonder if some agree, i do think they are dangerous, as proved by this fire.
why do boys when they date a girl hate all other girls. also how come boys get the best deodorants ever!!! links 2012 is lovely. one of the boys I know has it. it smells lush!!!! one more thing. what...
That's it! I've had enough. I've had my hotmail account ever since I've had a computer and never had a problem with it. This Outlook is a bag of poo and I'm going to swap to google. My problem is I've...
On the news they are showing how Northern Ireland is uniting by having mixed primary schools with Catholics and Protestants. They showed such a school enjoying a visit from Obama . Why is it that the...
Hi, I'm not the most computer savvy person, but was wondering if it is possible to get a virus on an adsl dlink router if it hasn't been connected by an ethernet cable to my laptop. A couple of months... //But today self-help will be given its greatest validation yet. Under a new scheme to be launched by the Culture...
Although I 've computers for many years I have never seen the point of using a browser. Whenever I switch on I go straight to Google to find what I want, so what is the point of browsers....
It seems the pope has decided that even atheists can go to heaven as long as they do "good" It seems like a radical departure from their usual dogma to me. Do you think they're trying to claim all the...
I feel terrible, the other day I posted a post about my mum and how we were not getting along, and I felt terrible for posting it. Well the situation has got worse. Today over messaging i told her...
Having an extreme amount of trouble with my laptop today so I changed from IE to Firefox for Windows 8, and it has downloaded Nightly (???), but am still on IE, so what is Nightly and how can I get...
Further to the last entry in this section of AB, what books would you recommend to others ? My list would have to include :: Anything by Neville Shute, but especially "A Town like Alice" and "On the... articulate, caring, cultured, educated, intelligent , witty and utterly discreet lady with an unfulfilled passionate nature. I am fit, toned, work out and ride daily, ski and dance Salsa. You...
Hi! So for my photography class we had to have an SLR camera because we learn how to develop film and all that, so I ordered a Nikon n2000 from Etsy but it only had the body and I had to buy a lens...
Anybody know or a reliable UK supplier where I can get hold of bootable Ubuntu Installation Kit DVD for installation on a raw PC ? Version not important providing that it is reasonably modern and...