Songs from 70's and 80's dingba 5 £5.OO X 3 6 Get in to written on a black line 8 lips on top of an X 16 Candy cane ,cracker and a woman sign still got more to get but would appreciate any help with... ...
I really don't know if the police in Northern Ireland all wear the same uniform but does anyone know if the sergeant stripes/chevrons on the epaullettes point up towards the neck or down towards... ...
To check it's not just me can someone have a go: When I click the button at the bottom nothing happens, thanks ...
I remember disliking texts - too impersonal I thought - but now I often find incoming phone calls that interrupt whatever I'm doing an inconvenience so keep in touch with everyone mainly by text. ... ...
So How about "We are the Champions" by Queen . Unstoppable by Sia.or What a Wonderful World . Or maybe Walking on Sunshine . Anyone have any other Suggestions for a rousing tune or song... ...
Hello Can someone please tell me how to magnify the font size when I send an email? I am using a new computer (brand name is Asus) and using Windows 11 for email.Please treat me like a small child... ...
Help please Named after places / areas of the UK and Ireland . 1/ Island equine (8 .4 ) 9/ Geordie Beer ( 9, 5, 3 ) 14 Bread based snack ( 8) 29/ Tasty toasted snack ( 5, 7) 30/ Type of tea ( 7,... ... All the pictures are partial famous landmark in the UK Any help gratefully appreciated Picture numbers 6,7 and 13 ...
I am filling a form in for Citizens Advice etc. I filled in to the best and they did ask what advice are you looking for - but after typing it up - sorta won't accept saying "need value 0-200". ... ...
I am stuck on a few questions and any help gratefully received. Thank you. Q29 Runs round in circles. 3 words. Q33 Do something unexpected, leaves people worried. 6 words. Q35 ... ...
Due to a flood my friends house is uninhabitable for at least 6 months and I said she could stay with me whilst repairs are made. Was just wondering how it would affect the 25% discount I get from... ...
I've found an online company (ink-trader) that has the HP 301 colour and black-and-white cartridges I need for only £20 for both - but they're 'remanufactured.' Has anyone used this sort of... ...
Good Morning All (just). Can anyone advise me on what to do about my 3 year old shower to stop it suddenly going cold on me? It's OK for a few minutes then the control button light starts to... ...
Just had an e-mail to let me know I've won the Honiton Library Food for Thought quiz. My luck must be changing. Will have fun spending my gift card. Thanks to all who helped me when I was... ...