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hi, can anyone tell me where I can find a magnifying glass which I can attach to my ease lfor fine art work as my eyes are getting pretty bad. thanks
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Hi I'm doing a painting and I want a petrol blue colour....I have mixed and mixed and just can't seem to get it quite right....any great artists out there with tips, thanks in advance
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I saw an art programme where they used (cut out windows)contact paper over the canvas and when painting done they peeled off the contact paper..can anyone tell me what kind and where can I buy this...
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can anyone help or know where to look/buy A3 sz cheap wooden frames, i need to bulk buy for a project I am doing, cheers...
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Today, millions of people from various backgrounds have learned from the Bible the truth about Jehovah. (Isa. 2:2, 3) Some were atheists or deists, but they became convinced of the existence of a...
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This one has to be a candidate Totally ruined a great song, Hutchence will be turning in his grave...
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does anybody know the music that is featured on the new carphone warehouse advert that it promoting free broadband forever? i think the song is called "something in the air" Thanks x
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who sang "Play that funky music white boy"
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Does anyone know who is singing Something In The Air on the Talk Talk ad, and if the song is available to buy?
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Are there any Led Zep fans out there? Does anyone know who the mother of Robert Plant's youngest son, Jessie Lee is? Is she British or American? Anyone have any idea who Robert is involved with now?...
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What are the signs of being reliant of alcohol. Please only genuine answers.
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Hello I would like a full list of all the helpfull things which are slightly new age kind of but are really helpfull for the body, I know this is not correct but example cranberrys because it helps...
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the rude and mean intruder has a new identity. B_O_betty
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Sorry if I've offended any of you guys, it was done without malice, and I was bored, I notice my silly joke has been removed, so once again I apologise sincerely.
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I'm sitting at my comp eating a cream cake and out of my window I see what I thought was a star, but it's too low in the sky to be a star, its also larger than the north star, so then I'm thinking...
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i downloaded it, it was fab!! is anyone going to see it when it comes out?
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I just wondered if any of you lot know anyway to relief trapped wind by just like lying in a certain position or rubbing my stomach in a particular way xxxxx
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Playing in a band is frustrating as some venues say "it needs to be more commercial" if we did that though we wouldnt sound like us what are you supposed to do?
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Can you recommend any really good foreign films for me to watch?
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Is this untalented (in my opinion and that of nearly all my village of some 2,000) man the luckiest in the universe or not? How The Office managed to outsell all-time classics like Fawlty Towers and...

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