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abigails mum
how do i get to fresham ponds from newbury
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Where's it gone?? If you believed all you read earlier in the year, we should all be dead by now!!!
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WhoEVER told her she's funny? When I first saw her I thought it was a wind-up.I know humour is a personal thing, but I can't honestly see anything REMOTELY funny when watching her. Yeh, I know, 'don't...
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Following on from the question below, I watched some of the top 50 comedy sketches the other night. Now it''s probably my age but I just don't see the attraction with Blackadder or Monty Python....
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Is this whole freeze your head after death thing viable? Will they be able to bring you back? does it really preserve you or is it all just sci-fi? and has anyone famous done this yet?
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Oh my goodness, did anyone watch this tripe last night? I watched it purely out of curiosity, as I couldn't really believe they were going to switch Ardal O'Hanlon for James Dreyfuss...yet they did! I...
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Sorry just wanted to say I cannot believe what a god awful film Assasin is compared to the original Nikita. I have just sat through the last 10 minutes and am astounded at how truly awful it is. Why...
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The liquid they make your drink, mine was some nasty berry smoothy crap, what is it soposed to do? A friend of mine said that it is radioactive. Is that True? then the dye the injected into me, what's...
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Has anyone heard of any further cases of Bird Flu since the "only reported" case in Scotland early this year - Do they really expect us to believe that this was a one off - or are they covering up the...
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has anyone ever got a bride off the internet?
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did kevin wickes from eastenders do the spoken bit in blur's 'parklife'?
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Let's all raise our glasses and hopes as we see the inexorable decline in standards and society and behaviour in general. In particular I would like to bid a toast to whomever set fire to Thursley...
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I have always benn intrigued by birds (and chickens) eggs. How they are formed I mean. Does the shell form as they are being laid, or is it already there. How come it doesn't crack when its being...
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Mine has to be Jessica Rabbit - all woman and wasted on Roger.
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Did anyone else think that Ender's Game was a totally fantastic read? I have just re-read it and still thoroughly enjoyed it, finding different levels to appreciate. The sequels are also very good.
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If i divert the calls from the office phone to my mobile, does the unsuspecting caller phoning my office pay landline to mobile call charges?
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The Sherman
ok im gonna have my piece this has probably been done a thousand times before but pro lifer christians are probably the worst strain of evolution i have ever seen in my life...
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can someone explain why when you've had ainnocent question or answer banned why do they remove aeverything including all the sensible intelligent stuff and bar you from using answerbank for about 2...
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Wee Kaz
I am a sufferer of cold hands and feet and am use to my nails going a blue colour when cold which is probably down to bad circulation. Recently when I am in my hot shower, I make the last couple of...
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This morning I received an email purporting to be from a Dave Garlick from support at WorldPay referring to wrong verification details on an order with ID and receipt details and a chargeback It...

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