Can anyone recommend a great drama series which lasted more than 6 episodes, in the last 20 years? Something I can get on DVD. But not the Sopranos as I saw that? Thanks!
i feel so depressive and follow some tips to over come this tell me they are good or not ?tips rally/
depression treatment...
I passed my CBT the other day. I've got a little Suzuki 125 and it's great! I've looked in to the tests required to achieve a full licence. As I understand it, you must pass your test within 2 years...
A friend of mine has a 22yr old daughter and a 2yr old grandaughter, who, until a few months ago lived with her. When her girls moved in to their little flat, they began hearing awful noises - similar...
At last the truth is beginning to creep out :::: I was listening to the Today program this morning and a care worker was being interviewed. She said,...
Can someone tell me why people in this country&much of the western world have so many children if they're middle class&or wealthy? The reason I mention the money etc., is that I'm aware many people...
We have friends over from New Zealand, they are English but haven't been over here for around five years, they are stauing with us for a month, has anyone any suggestions for some interesting places...
Hi there I have been experiencing harrasment on and off for about a year now with a man in a car driving past and shouting out homophobic abuse out of his car window. I have a note of his reg number...
hi, i need to block a few numbers, ive got a stalker ( not funny ) getting at least 50 calls a day, from 3 different numbers. ive tried to call o2 but it only asks for if i want to upgrade etc, i need...
I know dermatology isn't your speciality but wondered if you or anyone has any ideas. It's down top/body side of my right forearm (not the one I damaged the other week). Little red spots with tiny...
My friend has been fined by the RATP train company in Paris for not having a valid photo on her travel document, she's 21. She was fined 30 euro, and charged 60 euro because she had no money on her....
I have rather large wrought iron gates which over the years have been painted with white hammerite paint and never stripped. They are now very rusty . Can I keep on painting over them or should the...
Anyone else surprised that Thalidomide is still being dispensed ?
It appears to be used in Brazil to combat Leprosy....
I'm a computer science student in the university. I'll be graduated for the nxt year in degree program. but I wanna the best project ideas that can be done in java programming Language. you may share...