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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Sorry, neti, can't find anything on the internet (or rather heaps of speculation naming everyone in the book)

Dinner is acooking (just Sainsbury's lamb rogan josh tonight), pressies are awrapping and I have managed to speak to faraway family members telephonically, so that's nice. Temperatures should be above freezing tomorrow, also nice. I don't suppose I'll be back online until the last chocolate is eaten - ie about 8am. Merry Christmas to all biddies everywhere.
OI SHANEY..Can I tekes them there sprouts of the boil yet?(tis been 5 days now) my fave latest band...
catch youes later...x
MERRY XMAS, well it is Christmas Day here - have eaten rather too well and have opened one present, having the rest tomorrow. off to bed now, fat and bloated!

Love you all.

Thanks jno, checked on Sportsbank and they all think it is avram!!!
<sneaks in and pops a satsuma, chocolate smoker's set & some nuts in their socks>...that'll wake em up when they're getting dressed in the dark with a monster hang-over...
....oh, some sprouts in Vinny's

oooh, whose are these choccies? mmm, I'll just see which are the soft centres, I'll blame the teeth marks on woofy's doggies....

Twas the night before Christmas....
sorry, no time to type the whole poem so...
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!

Lots of love 'n stuff, I hope Santa brings all you wish for & more....I'll be in tomorrow to admire you all in your xmas woolies......oh poop, spoiled the surprise.

Merry Christmas to everyone - EXCEPT you and me Shaney! I didn't exactly have a traditional celebration but a pleasant afternoon with the futon lady, my newfound friend whose man was working yesterday. She came over to my place and ate exactly one mulberry and we sat around talking. Then we trudged through the snow to Gamla stan - Old Town - and sat around some more at a café, ha ha. Gamla stan is always "open", there are always tourists around. It was nice.

Merry Christmas dear cyber friends, I love yous, I do, you all mean a lot to me. I had another Silent Night lined up but they all pale in comparison with Sinéad... but hey this girl's got talent!
(...or rather a coffeehouse - but we call that a café.)
goodness, Santa has brought us a Henry

a little one

Bah humbug, can't stand sinead!!

am sitting here in silly paper hat, Mr N excelled himself today with Xmas Dinner, twas delicious.. Lots of lully pressies, some huge big knickers from sister, will post a piccy of them one day!!!

Hope you are all having a lovely time, and even if on your own, enjoy.

hic hic back to the cava!!!!
well am gobsmacked, these new "huge" knickers only just fit me!! Obviously too muck turkey! Am sitting here on settee wikh Mr N dozing, waiting for the outside dishwasher to finish, have done all pots and pans by hand, having cuppa and a Mr Kipling's sliced xmas cake!
Have you all gone off on a jolly without telling me? Am sitting here trying to do the D: Telegraph xword puzzle, cos there are no shops open here today except for the local butcher and we have enough meat!!
They're all lying around burping, Neti. I see you've been taking a walk in the woods...
ha ha they are much bigger than that!!

Am eating smoked salmon, cream cheese with herbs and caviar on Ryvita! lovely - what are you doing swedie?
Same as always, Neti: Moving things from one place to another, trying to make room. I've been going through the wardrobe determined to throw things away but I do need and use everything I've got, the true problem is my place is shoe box size :( I often think about moving but I know I would miss my "dog park" view SO MUCH. Love to watch the dogs playing in the snow <3

(Oh yummy, I love Ryvita!)
Season's Greetings!
<stumbles in the door>

ooph, bugger...itsh me new shlippers....honesht....ok, so I'm shipping a shmall glash of wine....erm, ang on ...itsh called Branstock Ration....or sommat like that.... http://images.clipart...-Tipsy-At-A-Party.jpg

Being an almost non-drinker I feel like I've 4 arms and no legs after one glass, haha.

Hope you've all had a good one, did Santa Claus bring you some pressies? I've got a of those really bright but small maglites, it's great, with my specs on I can see all the cobwebs behind cupboards...eeeek! I think I'll need another glass or two of plonk before I look under the fact another glass or two & it's the only place I'll be staring at.

Only a sister would buy big knicks neti... :o) http://www.simplylove...A0A/33E8/342D/600.JPG

Ryvita Kit? I think you burn up a days calories just chewing them, I did get into the mini ones for a while but it's like eating compressed doormat...
ah well, I showed you a picture of the new hoover. The chocs I can't show you as they have vanished. The results of the DNA test aren't in yet (it was a gift pack, for genealogical not criminological purposes). Had to make a mercy dash to Milton Keynes today as jno jnr was going to visit gf, only to find the trains weren't running so he had to be shipped by road. Didn't get to the sales, thank goodness.
DNA test gift pack for Christmas, jno...? I'm sure I must be misunderstanding something here... I hope! Reminds me of the other day a drunkard was trying to chat me up and he asked if I had any children. When I said no he said "None that you know of, eh", ha ha ha I thought that was funny. He was almost as drunk as Robinia ;-)
My chocs have also vanished .
Mr S gave me a super duper digital radio and a pair of really nice headphones .It's great.It even
tells you on some stations which tune is playing and who it's by ! I can listen to Radio Punjabi now .
Everything goes on the blink at Christmas .I was given That 70's Show and Bones Season 4 and now the DVD player is up the creek.Typical .
Had some nice books too,costume chunky jewellry and a pashmina .
Big knickers were lacking this year :)
Best Christmas pressie .My eldest brother has seen sense and had an operation for his bowel problem .He's home and fine ,has to have some further treatment ( radiotherapy ) so fingers crossed .
Had a nice quiet Christmas day ,nice lunch ,few drinks,phoned round the rellies and friends , lit the fire and woke up just in time to see the end of Poirot .
Had my bro and my aunt round for lunch today .

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that Santa was good to you .
Yes you can take the sprouts off now Vinny .I should think they should be just right by now :)
Oooops I can see a cobweb ..stop flashing that Maglite around Robinia :)
Evening folks...I've had some mince pies & chocs to soak up the alkeyhole

Well done to your brother shaney and all the very best to him for the rest of his treatment.

oops sorry I didn't see your wee Henry jno, someone was wafting her big bloomers in the air...they'll make a great sail for the Farewell Trollop. Had he been sent from Ibiza by any chance?...I reckon neti's been foisting George's vac-ettes upon unsuspecting friends. She'll be sorry when they turn 16 & they're back banging on the door & demanding to see their father.

oh look at the time...what day is it tomorrow?
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morning all and how are we? I have a nasty dripping cold, a bum knee and a new macbook air which more than makes up for the other two. am just about up and running now but it keeps doing things at me...going to have to take a firm line with it
these are the ones, Kit

Useful for seeing which Eve you come from (males can also trace male ancestry)

Never heard of a MacBook Air, as I don't have laptops and stuff, just an old-fashioned desktop

AB things I have learned in the last couple of days:

Sqad lives in Minorca - well, I suppose that would explain his lack of awareness of the realities of daily life; people in that region do get out of touch

Mr Veritas knows someone eaten by a lion


that man is a disaster zone, honestly.

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