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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Just struggled in! We have 10" of snow on the ground in our garden and everywhere looks lovely. However, driving is another matter (I won't drive myself in this weather) Fakenham is in chaos and no roads seem to have been cleared. The postman hasn't been near us since last Thursday - I remember when things carried on snow or no snow. Bah humbug.

Anyway, it's freezing in our 'office' (junk room) and the computer is on a go slow. If I don't make it back this week, have yourselves a merry little Christmas. You are all lovely people.

And I will join all you spiritual people, because I am, I really am - I just don't want to be organised.

With much love to you all.

Lottie (A)

Even the BBC are repeating stuff that was on only two days ago .
Well I suppose that's global warming for you .
Global con more like .Just an excuse for a jolly and to get more money out of us if we so much as light a candle or have a lightbulb that doesn't meet requirements .
We had snow back in 1963 that went on for months and we still had to trudge to school in it .And we get some snow most years little or much .People have short memories . Boris Johnson was in really deep snow last year :)
This is the thing here .We're not prepared for snow and everything grinds to a halt . Mr S, however, is..Being a German he is always prepared .Long johns ,thick socks,hat , an old german army parka and snowboots , and he drags them out each winter when the weather is bad and refuses to part with the disreptuable parka :) I've been trying to smuggle it out of the house for years .He was out with his shovel and salt this morning .
Winter tyres are compulsory in Germany Vinny .We had snow here at Easter a couple of years ago .
My Germans are minus 15 C and yet my brother down under is sweating cobs :)

It's frozen solid here ..The arthritis index is off the scale and don't I know it .Though when I poked my nose out the back just now to gulp some fresh air ( this heating does me in ) it had started to rain.So it might thaw yet .
Put yer sprouts on tomorrow Vinny :)
I'm wearing my turquoise wool tights today :)
Happy Christmas to you too Lofty xxx Keep warm in the wilds of NN .Mail on the way asap.
Toodlepip for now folks .
Turquoise wool tights! I want them! I love turquoise! I love wool! Hand them over Shaney right this minute!

Beautiful video Lottie:)
*still analyzing the teapot*


Sorry, Kit, it's a common British phrase - 'as much use as a chocolate teapot'.
Evening all - just had a lovely evening out in Ibiza town, missed the belen (creche) completely cos it was hidden inside a church which closed at 8pm, normally it's out on the piazza (for a better word) for all the world to see so we missed it. We were actually outside the church at 7.45 looking at the boats leaving the port and didn't know the belen was there until we asked fuether on up the road. Lovely evenign, went to a new trattoria for a change and very expensive but very nice and filling, I had gnocki with nuts ande blue cheese.

Internet has decided to beggar about so it comes and goes right now, so will say nite nite, hope you all have a good night's sleep, I usually do now that daughter is snuggled up in her room!!!
PS it was so warm that I lugged a useless anorak under my arm whereas Mr N wore his swedish jacket, a scarf, woolly hat and gloves - what is it with men, also he had long johns on!!!

As Neti has neglected to post a piccy of Mr N in his Swedish jacket - here he is
Ha ha that is certainly Mr N but that's not the jacket. The jacket is a beige affair quite thin but incredibly warm with zip pockets everywhere, in the sleeves, inside, outside. It was bought for me originally but although I wore it over there, it's a nondescript and masculine for my taste. Got it in a street at the back of the hotel gungsgarten(!) where there were open air cafes (brrr)and loads of different shops and the prices would have put Primark to shame. Not the station road!
Dont know if this'll play but received it today and it's beautiful, enjoy, even if you are a non-believer x
Morning peeps.
Snowed again overnight but the sun is shining bright.
I Think your ole man sounds great shaney.I bought some snow boots from lidl a few years back and they are brilliant(cant drive with them though)brilliant vid netti.I reckon thats what shaneys hubby looks like when he's out clearing the snow kip..hehe..!Ive got to do one last job today and were off to exeter fer a bit of shopping.(roads permitting)3 boxes of becks £20 at the supermarket,thats what I call the xmas spirit.(:O)hope you all keep warm.Ermm where's the bran tub then robinia..christmasses arnt what they use to be.Bet judes out partying everynight...(what ever she's on I wants some)later dudettes>>>>whoosh.
Just saying hi, possums - I had exactly 1,5 hours sleep last night and I can't think straight. The smoke detector started beeping cos the battery was low and I was in such a deep sleep that it took me minutes to understand what was going on. Got up, got the ladder out - and then I couldn't get the detector open, and when I finally got it open I couldn't remove the battery - arrgghhh...! Once back in bed I couldn't go back to sleep. And when I finally did, a neighbour got his hammer and drill out - at seven o'clock in the morning - aaaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhh...!! Gave up and got up to make some coffee - and the kitchen radio batteries died... Silent Night? Silent Night??? Not where I live!
Morning all lovely sunny day today, Not my mood though. My son who was coming today will not be now, due to unforeseen events. That's the trouble with them living so far away. Never mind Will be seeing him soon I hope. He'll have his pressies to open then.
My younger son is coming down after work about 2 to bring his brother's present

Lovely Christmas video Neti. They are lovely cards that Jacqui what's her name does.

Robi - hope you are feeling better now.

Going for a walk this afternoon to see my sister Haven't heard from her for a few days. She has more children and grandchildren than me so she is a bit busier.

Vinny I'm off out Thursday night to a local to get Christmas off to a good start. Actually it started Friday 11th for me but that's by the way. Couldn't keep up with going out like I used when I was younger. A couple of nights on the run and I'm knackered!! Still enjoying myself though.

Here;s wishing you all a happy and peaceful one.
See yer later 'gater(s)!!
Good morning everyone - near and far!Hopeall the ailing Biddies are perking up! Poor Robi, miss your bright banter, get well soon.

Wintry here today, rain but not cold. Was up since 3am waiting for daughter to come home as she had a doctors appointment at 9.30am and I wanted to make sure she came home, she did, eventually at 6am stinking of alki holl. ugh house reeks! anyway got her to the doctors at 9.25, she hadn't a clue what she was doing, and then found out appointment was for 10.30!! (my fault) but anyway they did her cancer tests and now she's back in bed, and I am shattered.
Afternoon absent biddies and hippies - and Neti. Neti just some routine tests, I hope - you haven't mentioned it before. I often wonder how your sister is but I don't want to ask too often.

Tomorrow - not the 25th - is the day Swedes traditionally celebrate Christmas. My futon friend asked me what I'd be doing and when I said nada she suggested we meet. Her man is working, so. The only thing is, she does some work with the elderly and there's a 90 year old lady she's scheduled to visit. The biddy in question is trying to refuse being forced to her relatives' house and if she succeeds my friend will have to work. *But* if the 90 year old lady is abducted against her will, my friend and I will be able to meet. Something of a moral dilemma for me - do I sit here wishing that a very old lady gets christmassed against her will ha ha ha?

Vinny how's your shoulder? And Robi how's everything, I hope you're busy rather than under the weather.

QM has been helping me in A&L understand the difference between shall and will. One of the confusing factors for me was this song that I love
Yo biddies and netti.:O)
so your friend looks like a futon kip,bet she's layed back..hehe..!
Thanks for asking about me shoulder kip.Well me physio bu66ered of skiing to aspen two weeks ago and left me this bright yellow rubber band thingy to do exercises with.But its a lot better now,I can even lift up a pint with me left hand.Old biddies ey..nothing but bloomin trouble....:O)Ive got the solution kip...wheel her round on a pub crawl and make sure she brings her pension..hehe..!
24th here also swedie is the traditional meal and present giving, but we still stick to the 25th!

Thanks for asking sister seems fine, she is incredibly strong, much more so than I and she's a mere slip of a thing. she was Miss Ibiza 1972, Daughter has stage one cancer of the cervix, I also had it when young (and no didn't have warts either) I had pioneering laser surgery in Elizabeth Garrett Hospital (for women) in Euston, and they wanted me to have a hysterectomy and I was only 24 so refused, and look now, had a daughter, admittedly I lost 4 others but who kows why? and I certainly am not mardy about it. One of those things.

Hey ho, am busy mending the offspring's clothes and ironing them all. Back to the grindstone!
Oh I see, Neti - it's a good thing for you and your daughter both to have your own 'story' to fall back on. / Mousey seems happy with Christmas

Ha ha I like that idea Vinny - it's like some Italian movie.
Hello lovelies
Yes we do Christmas Eve too . German style Open our presents ,sing" Ihr Kinderlein, kommet,
O kommet doch all " and then tuck in to potato salad ,smoked salmon and strammer jungs .
It' s just me and Mr S for Christmas day this year. I've been racking my brains to think of a time that we have been on our our own for Christmas day and I think this is first!
We are going out for a carvery lunch tomorrow though with my bro and sis in law though as it's their 55th wedding anniversary .Then it's ours on Sunday .

I hope your daughter will be OK Neti and send a special wish that things go well for her .
Well dear folks it's that time of the year again. I wish you and your families all the very best for Christmas Good health and happiness.Have a good one .

Get those sprouts on Vinny xx
See you all soon ,over and out for now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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