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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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Thanks shaney, daughter will be fine as long as I keep getting her sorted! I tnink the Jade effect is wearing off a bit though!
Blimey ..Id better wish shaney and kip a very merry christmas.I ve bought you some expensive perfume,its called Ester(hope they dont notice ive scratched the "T" off)hehe..! And I bought netti a bag (that should keep george going for a few months) (:O) I is..... http://www.santa-clau...m/mrs_santa_claus.jpg

Hope you're all well. Bloomin white over out there again.
Just trying to get into the swing, sorry I haven't caught up with all the posts, I'm so tired I can hardly see, hopefully I'll get a bit of time tomorrow. My sister came today & we went trolley crashing around Sainsbury's (the smaller one Jude), it was busy but not unbearably so & I only needed a few extras the tune of £97 - how the heck did that happen?!!.... Never mind, bargains were bagged.

See you tomorrow....I hope x
Hi Robi Good to hear from you. I mostly go to the Smaller one too.. Lot more space in the shop and easier parking. Hope you have a good night tonight.

I don't know if anybody likes this song. I'll just risk it I think.
I'm always worried it wont work.

See you soon Biddy friends,
See what I mean. I'll be back.
hi Jude...that's a shame, what was it?...I was just listening to a couple of my favourites on YT as I'm tidying up

Does anyone else like Paloma Faith?...I do & I just love her new song
Hi Robi it was Kirsty Mccoll and The Pogues but I can't get it to work no how even if I send it to myself so I'll try this one. Totally different. here goes

I think Paoloma had a beautiful voice and really like her songs.
I meant Paloma has a beautiful voice not had. I think I should go to bed I'm half asleep!!!! Nite Nite all!!
pouring with rain here, that should take care of the snow, reindeer poo and stray elves.
Evening jno! It's deep snow here.

Here it is Jude, it's a good one, I like it too *oh she's gone... and Robi's gone too... to dust off her Ol' Blue Eyes records;-)* And yes I like Paloma Faith, hadn't heard that one but it's good - and I looove 'New York'! Can't stop myself from singing along in the "ah - ah - ah - ah" bit even if I'm brushing my teeth or eating when it comes on.

Thanks so much for my perfume Vinny, I'm too overwhelmed for words, it's... it's... it's not like any other perfume! And now for something completely unrelated: Here's your Christmas pressie Vinny
(PS Jude you must never break an URL (like for instance a YouTube address) i.e. there must be no empty space in it and it mustn't be in two parts. Do you by any chance write your posts in some other editor and copy and paste them here? Cos that can happen then. If it does, just put the two parts together again, for instance using the back space key. Sometimes The AnswerBank itself messes URLs up and you don't know about it until it's already published; it happened to me a lot when they introduced the new AB. G'night everyone!)
weather looks ok here today, no freezing fog or black ice anywhere, just a bit of snow still lying around. Must go out and get a sleigh parking permit from the council... hmm... a flier has just come through the letterbox from the local beauty parlour offering 'full face threading' for £16; must be near full moon and the werewolves are coming out.
Happy Christmas to us, Shaney:)

Well it looks like the very old lady I told you about yesterday is getting christmassed against her will after all, so this is me signing off.

Scroll down for your daily Silent Night fix, biddies!
Morning all - jno loved that email; it's so true, except that I am an African Princess waiting for loads of money to pile into my bank, I've sent them the details ;-(

Shaney , love that jacquilawson, it's the same as the one I posted on this thread a couple of days ago.

Anyway, lovely biddy friends (and where are you dolly?it's xmas day there now isn't it?) I haven't the time to get round to sending you all individual ecards so please take my love and thanks for all being you!!!!

Hope to sneak on here tomorrow, will prob have to take laptop into the loo for a moment's peace, so

...oh and can you believe it, we could not find a turkey anywhere at first, local supermarkets didn't stock any this year, finally found 2 , we only wanted one - in a little shop way in the middle of island - Bah humbug yet again!
Hi Neti Thank you very much .Also I wish you and everybody a great Christmas and a peaceful 2010. Thank you all also for helping me through the year. (You'll never know how much.) Take care and keep well, Dolly Kit Robi Shaney Jno Lottie, Neti,Vinny and Woofy XXXXXXXXX
quick visit for now to wish those who celebrate today a VERY HAPPY & PEACEFUL CHRISTMAS.... hope you have some company Kit, looks like just me 'n Charlie will be staying home tomorrow, had an invitation to go to my sister's but my bro-in-law's gone down with the lurgy & in any case it's a longish journey for excitable doggy to cope with...then there's his wee problem which has started again & they've just had new carpet...oh and more of my electrics are going ....triple spot in the kitchen now gone...spent £7 on bulbs, doesn't work. Won't be getting any repairs unless there's an emergency situation...please stand by with all paraffin lamps, grrrrrr, bah!

back later...
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just pooped in to wish you all a Merry Christmas. This is the first tiime I have sat down fitting has gone to rat poo but I have an oven to cook in and the gifts are finally wrapped.
Hugs all...
ha ha woofy "just pooped in" you have been around the pups for too long!!

Now a slightly naughty q, Mr N wants to know the name of the naughty football manager who was seen coming out of brothels, now I realise you may not be able to name him but you can tell me what club he manages, please!!! You can say something like had a lovely time at brighton and Hove or somesuch - thanks
Can anyone confirm it was Avram?

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