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will it work again??

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woofgang | 09:09 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
520 Answers

here you go folks, I've opened that old stuck scullery door in the biddy grotto so its not so far to walk



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golly we could all be related.....
Good day biddies - How very dare you Robinia, I thought you had decided that George was "gay" and now he's being blamed for casting his seed everywhere tut - whatever will Lampwick make of it all. But what a sweet and totally useless vacumn cleaner that mini Henry will turn out to be!

told Mr N that he could golf this morning, but No, he's gone golfing this afternoon, leaving me to COOK on a Sunday! I am incandescent with rage! Have just made a lovley turkey soup with freshly baked bread, and having to do another bl**dy turkey dinner tonight - grrrr!

Poor woofy, get well soon, I am awaiting the flu and I shall enjoy it all whe it comes and will take to my bed, but am fit and hale at the moment - lovely sunny day not cold - nothing going my way at the moment.
neti, I think mini-Henry's territory is intended to be computer keyboards.

Yes, everyone in Europe descended from one of seven women. Some day I must find out who mine is. There was a series on TV recently about the great migration out of Africa - turned out there were only 100 or so people who made it to the Middle East and Europe/Asia. Even 50,000 years ago, which is not all that long, it turns out the human race was reduced to about 10,000 people by a huge volcanic eruption. So we've only started to overrun the world quite recently.
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would love to take to my bed but tomorrow the kitchen saga starts again, we have to set up camp in the living room again because the bloomin tiler is starting on tuesday,working till 31st then coming back after the new year. Once he is done we can have the lecky in. I am not pleased with the tiler....we were told that tiling happened in parts and he would tile under the cooker before the cooker was installed. Turns out he was working away for another firm (they are all contractors) and despite all efforts wasn't contactable during the fitting process. Anyway he came on christmas eve and said that the cooker would need to be moved OUT of the kitchen for him to work. Considering that it is a) connected to the gas and electric, b) the size of a small car and c) had been delivered into the kitchen by the express command of the fitting firm because they do not move things around and I don't blame them, we were not impressed to say the least. He's better be a good tiler or I might come on here wearing an intriguing pair of *** shaped earrings to borrow a Dawn French ism.
Actually i did once work with a physio who had a scrotum shaped change purse. She, poor innocent had bought it in York and thought it looked heart shaped
I must be Robinias third cousin then ,two million times removed . I just knew we were related as we both read Womans Weekly :)
And of course Lofty and I are soul sisters .
I 'm related to Vinny ? No wonder the sprouts were overdone .
Oh I'm soooo sorry to hear about your kitchen probs Woofie .The last kitchen we had done was brilliant .Mr Ferguson,lovely man from Ireland who worked like a trojan and a a tiler who was done and diddled in three days .
It's all hit and miss with these people .No doubt if we were to have a new kitchen fitted we would probably not be so lucky the second time around so I won't chance it and make do with Lampwick :) He's slow but sure and he does polish the gin bottles to a high gloss .

Jno ....squad thinks the UK is a filthy place and never ceases to tell us so, ad infinitum . So he lives in Menorca and spends all day on AB ? If I lived there I'd be spending all day on a sun lounger and enjoying my surroundings ,not getting my ego stroked on here :) wink ..wink :)

Hope you are all OK on this dismal day and that the Christmas goodies are lasting out .
Mind you, the rate at which that Robinia can down a mince pie.... I'm getting worried :)
Never mind we can start on the nuts now .....teeth permitting :)
Over and out for now .Take care all.xx
well, our new kitchen a year ago was a bit of a saga but it was eventually done, a couple of weeks before the floor supplier Allied Carpets went bust; so it was worth it.

Yes, can't help thinking if I was in the Med anywhere I'd be spending more time on a sun lounger somewhere - just stick mini Henry onto a robot vac and leave them to do the work without me. As it was I spent lots of time on NoMercy's megathread


which had a lot of good jokes and kept me cheerful. Weather is ok way down here, nothing special but no snowdrifts or frosts, so I shall probably survive into the new year.
Hi All. Very relaxed and happy now because my eldest son has been today to see me so I have seen them both this Christmas. He bought me a Dylan CD. which I haven't got and a box of chocolates. (He forgot I couldn't have sweets so he asys I'll have to have 1 a month!!)
Had a lovely Christmas Day at my other son's wife's sister's house!!! They live in Sandiacre. I think you'd call it a small town on the Nottingham side of Derby. I bet you know it Robi. They looked after us very well with a great turkey dinner and we had a good laugh playing a musical game about popular music of the 60's to the present day.. Plenty of jokes and disputes between the teams. Good fun.
They have 5 King Charleses who are lovely but they were kept out of the way most of the day especially at lunch time.
I hope you all had a happy time and those of you feeling below par will feel better soon.

Hope your kitchen gets sorted Woofy. I remember when I had mine done. I had it designed and fitted by B & Q. I was very pleased with it all after they had delivered the wrong goods and had to do a bit of sorting that out before they even got started. That was the only Hiccup except for the stainless steel sink which was faulty (twice) I eventually ended up getting it for nothing. Not the kitchen, the sink!!.

Off now so I'll bye for now. See yer later 'gater(s)!

P.S. why can't we go on over 500 posts like that thread you were on about Jno.
Jude, I'm guessing it's because most posts on that thread were only two or three words... but I don't know. There was an even longer thread, with 2000+ posts on it yesterday.
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ha ha you can say "scrotum" but not "esticles"
tut, if you will talk b*lls, woofgang...
Golly I read "a scrotum shaped like a purse" mind boggles! Must go to specsavers.

I thought sqad lived in Mallorca, must say Menorca is a much nicer place to be!

Overcast but warm here today. so warm nowadays that the forensic bed boots have been disguarded! and windows opened wide at night, and summer pj,s are being worn. Grrrrr!
Afternoon biddies, I need to go to town but it's going to get colder and colder here today and toninght and I'd rather stay at home :( Numbers like -20℃ have been mentioned but I think that's probably for the north of the land which is a long ways from here.

ROTFL @ Woofy's work mate's change purse - it's all in the eye of the beholder eh Woofy, who's to say she was wrong and you are right he he he he! / Have you had Macs before, Woofy? I haven't, but somebody who saw the way I take notes said I ought to have one cos my brain seems to think the same way a Mac thinks. Not sure what he meant... don't think he uses Mac himself so I suspect he meant 'messy', ha ha. If ever I get one I'll try Scrivener out - someone recommended it and it does seem useful - anyone tried it?

Looking forward to hearing all about your ancestry jno! The family legend goes we have a king in our family tree but so does half of Skåne (Scania, the south of Sweden) cos well that's the way he was. I also remember once having heard there are some walloons up that tree as well. But you're looking further back than that, I take it. I'm sure you've always been noble, jno :)
Greetings mi' dears...<blows a nut out across the room>

What do you call an alien with an extra ball? An Extra T esticle... :o)

Sorry you're under the weather woofy...just so long as you're not under the sink. Get well soon. Did the dawgs have pressies? Charlie had a plumtious pad for the bottom of his bed & he loves it...he expects breakfast in bed now, tut.

All this new technology's leaving me behind, I've no sooner got to grips with something & then it's obsolete, I've only just ditched my abacus for something a bit more sophisticated http://www.earlyoffic...ph_Adding_Machine.jpg

<wipes brow>...Well I'm boogered, I'm busy doing a one biddy matinee of my own seasonal panto here...a cross between Cinderella (cleaning & dusting) & Aladdin (laundry) - and anyone who mentions beanstalks goes through the trapdoor! I'm just waiting for Prince Charming to take me away from all this, sigh. P'raps best not today though, I look more like the back end of a camel than a princess.
Lottie, Shaney, dearest cousins! How long can you legally wear an M&S fleece without taking it off to wash it? Will it be ok 'til Easter? :o)
Lordy Jude five KC spaniels!! They must be able to stuff their own dog's beds with all that hair. :o/

Keep warm, there's another dollop of snow heading this way.
send a dollop of snow this way please Robinia, I mean what's the point of having winter if it's not!!!!
not my family history, Kit - I was the giver of the gift not the receiver. My family tree is rather tangled because of a great great grandmother who was rather free with her favours; consequently I can't be sure I'm related to previous bearers of my name. But I expect I'm on here somewhere

Perhaps you're the Holy Grail, jno? (The DaVinci Code was on a couple of nights ago...)

Wasn't cold at all, kept dripping from the rooftops and a shopkeeper was standing outside his shop smoking a cigarette and wearing a white t-shirt with short sleeves...

I'm in love! With three silly trays to be hung on the wall as a silly triptych <3 <3 <3 It's Mater, Pater and their little daughter. Click El Querido!
I do have good taste you know, I just don't erm use it very much. But aren't they adorable!!
Good Morning Biddyfriends. Hope you are all recovering from any ailments including Christmas over-indulgance. My Plumber came to see me over the holiday and bought me a bottle of Baileys. Not finished it quite yet. He says I am going to get an invite to his wedding in June 2011 Ha Ha!!.

Meeting my two friends today for lunch. I fancy a nice curry. Hope they have one on the menu.

Begin my helping children to read sessions on Monday. I'm going to a local school. So looking forward to that even though I'm a little bit nervous but hope to be ok on the day.

The snow hasn't reached us yet but we have been forecast some. Maybe tonight. It's very dull and cold at the moment.

Robi. The KC spaniels were lovely dogs and I was really tempted by the 3 month old one but they wanted about £500 for it.

I'm off now see yer later 'gater(s) x
Just popped in to say 'Hello' but haven't had a chance to read through all your posts.

However Swedie.

One of my worst phobias is animal heads on human bodies in art, circus, pantomime, etc. They totally freak me out. So sorry, I can truthfully say I find those pictures truly horrendous!!!

Will pop back in for a good read through later. Now have to go and see the nurse for some RA blood tests!! Back to the same old, same old. (Having said that I am glad Christmas is over).

Bye for now - Love you all (I really do)

Morning folks...oooh, s'perishing out there.

I could save the pixels & just say 'ditto Lottie's post', haha.
Sorry to wee on your fireworks Sweedie but I find them really creepy too. I quite like the cloud shelves though but it's all a bit too arty for my humble living...a couple of lacquered canvasses of flowers from Dunelm is as classy as it gets here.
And I've just had my blood tests prior to hospital appt next week. I thought it would be the whole world & his wife queueing but there was no one there...'spect their veins are all still clogged up from goose fat with 80% proof trickling through.

Jude you can have Charlie for £50 but there's no extendable warranty! couldn't have him for £500,000.

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