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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Row; unless they were eating caviar .
Mrning. Had a chat with GP on the phone yesterday and he has put some muscle relaxants on repeat rescrption for me. Took one last night and have only just wokena up. I have a hospital appointment at 2.00pm - thank goodnfwss I don't have to drive!!!!
Neti - my garden looks just luverly!!!! ;o)
ooh, be careful with those, you won't be able to get up from the deck chair
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can I have a life too please? Rab was CONVINCED there were monsters in the garden last night. I went out there and what do you know? there was!!....well not exactly a monster but my ultrasonic cat scarer had finally (20 years old) misfunctioned and was buzzing and screaming to itself. Happily the nearest house to it is me so the neighbours weren't disturbed, I switched it off and went back in. But Rab was all "see I told you so, need to patrol ALL night now" so I left them to it and slept on the settee. Again just as well because we had thick fog this morning so we wouldn't have gone out anyway.
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Good morning all, you all popped in while I was typing. It will be too hot to garden here today so i will potter indoors. Lottie, what muscle relaxant have you got? I use buscopan but don't get it on prescription.
I've got roes coming today in the grub delivery...soft herring roes which me and the dogs adore.
I am not a sports fan, but seeing Bolt live must have been an experience.
I have now woken up!!

Baclofen Woofie, I do have buscopan on repeat prescription for IBS though, but rarely need it. Baclofen works a bit like Valium, but apparently without the addiction!!

(Ha, ha re the monsters - Meggie is not bothered by Monsters, but was rather concerned by the screechy owl in the bottom of the garden the other night and wouldn't come in after her final 'wee' before bed)
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that is strong stuff!
lol woofy...Charlie didn't give a hoot whether there were monsters about or, once he was in bed at night he didn't care. In fact I swear if any had got into the house he'd have stayed asleep or asked them to keep the noise down. During the day was a different matter, his sense of smell was out of this world, just a hint of a cat passing through and he was off... and a whiff of smoke in the air made him bark too which I always thought was a good thing.
I don't need anything to help me sleep at the moment, I just put BBC radio on, there's a good chance they're talking olympics and I'm out like a light.
I need a life too and more money .
Our fridge freezer has died .I've had to go and buy another one .My brother took me round to Comet .They'll bring it between seven and twelve tomorrow .
Have had to chuck lots of food away .Sod it .
Sounds as if you had a good time Jno ..I'm very jealous :)
Good luck at the hospital Lofty .
oh what a booger shaney, I'd be it a whole box of fish fingers and 5lb of oven chips for tea? :(
Lol..possibly Robinia .
I thought there was something fishy going on yesterday when I took something out to cook .It didn't seem frozen solid as per .But I cooked it and we are none the worse for wear but this morning the milk didn't seem cold and the fridge wasn't making it's click on noise and when I poked about in the freezer stuff was starting to defrost so I've chucked it .
My brother has lent me his little table top fridge (which he only uses for his fishing bait ) just for the milk and butter etc until tomorrow .
I've had a very frazzling day so far !
This weather makes my freezer clunk and clang a lot so I'm always checking it...usually when I have a tropical moment :)

It keeps going cloudy here and I feel a bit headachey & 'squiggly'...I think I had too much sun yesterday, when I took my sleeveless v neck top off....eeek! sunburn!
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shaney.....did he take the bait out first??????
lol woofy...
I love this....

Oh yes Woofy .It was empty actually as he hasn't been fishing for a while so that was lucky .
Lol Robinia ....I could have had a cook up actually and invited the street but it's too warm .
I'm getting a headache now .
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Its boiling up here. I was supposed to be going to a charity fair with my friend tomorrow but I don't think I'll be able to lock the house up with the dogs in it.
That's a great picture Robi.
Not the best day for a fridge/freezer to pack up, Shaney. Poor you. Well I have had a good afternoon (don't read further Neti!!)

Got into the waiting room for my appointment at 1.50. Appointment was at 2.00. Nurse came to get me at 1.53. He took my notes into consultant. Consultant came out of his surgery sat next to me in the little anti room and asked if things were OK. He then felt my hernia and told me he didn't think I needed an op as ops were not always successful (which is what he had already told me) He doesn't want to see me again but I am to phone his secretary if I feel the need rather than go back to my GP. Left the hospital at 2.05 after having a quick look round the clothing shop sale in the hospital!!

Called in at Dereham Tesco Superstore on way home and bought a very nice top for £10.00. If you have read to here Nets then please don't read any further...................

Then we went to a Nursery just outside Dereham which had changed hands in November and it was fabulous and everything was so cheap. They had a farm shop as well. Came home with a boot full of shrubs and stuff, plus farm free range eggs , gammon steaks for a local farmer/butcher, and some local Norfolk Cheese.

Very satisfied. Now I ache like mad again and look forward to one of those strong knock out tablets!! ;o)

Better cook dinner first though come to think of it.

Nice to be having some summer!!!

Does your house get very hot inside Woofy? Fortunately our cottage stays cool in summer and keeps warm in winter - which is handy when it comes to pets. Hope you manage to get to the Fayre.

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I can keep the house cool with the doors and windows open but we are east/west and the living room has a double aspect. It's lovely and bright in the winter but blooming hot when it's hot.

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