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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Oh, bless you Jude. Will be thinking of you - are you getting help at home? xxxxxx
And the position your arm is in sounds really uncomfortable and a strain on your shoulders. I think you must rest as much as possible Jude - it might be a long job and then afterwards you can think about having a lovely holiday.
Oh Jude, I'm sorry to hear that, it's such a shame you didn't get away again. They're first class at hand surgery in Derby, people come from miles away to be operated on here so take heart in the fact that they're obviously doing what's best in the long term. Try to keep your sense of humour, I know it's hard but you'll get there. xx
Poor jude, yes oodles of sympathy for you, yu deserve lots of sympathy, and you moan away girl! Look on the bright side, you will gt mended!!
Now I am moaning, it is 37º here and rising, the police and civil protection are out and about warning us all to drink lots of water and wear hats and stay in the shadw, and soon they will be bringing out the spaying tank which sprays and keeps us all cool, whether we want it or not! Even the pool is warm. Hija on way home apparently even to hot for after parties!!ª Everyone is dripping, I have never seen or felt it as bad as this. Thank heavens I had the hair cut. Now off to ask sqad re the bazooms as they are so painful!
oh poor you too neti...I know we scoff about your sunshine but I'd never stand that heat. I had to stay in until late afternoon yesterday because I think I'd overdone it the day before. I hope it cools down for you soon.
I do wish people would stop speculating about poor young of the downsides to the internet. We all have our gut reactions, it's human nature, but what we read in the press/hear on the news in the early days isn't always fact, just someone's interpretation. That recent fire tradgedy in Derby springs to mind.
oh Jude, what a bummer. People do take an inordinate amount of time to mend once they pass 20.

< gets pets ready in case Ibizan spaying tank comes our way >
spaying tank?! oh lordy I missed that (that's why you're roof dearper and I'm not)...well I suppose they have to keep the population down somehow with all that sun, sea and 'ow's ya father...
And here's me moaning about a duff fridge freezer ...poor Jude ..I hope they get you up and rocking and rolling soon lass .Take it easy xxx
They brought the damn thing at 11.30 but we can't put it on four hours .We have no food ....send chocolate and herrings asap please :)
Blimey Net ....I like hot but that's a bit too much even for Shaney the Sundance Kid .

Yes it's awful Robinia .usual barrack room speculation on here .They have everyone hung drawn and quartered before they get the proper facts .
oh dear, chs on tst tonight then shaney. When I had my freezer they switched it on straight away, apparently it's they way they handle them that dictates whether they need to stand or not. They'd only come a couple of miles, an independant retailer, great service and now just about to close after 45 years. It's a shame.
I would be outside but there's a lot of noisy gardening going on...I know it has to be done but why is other people's noise louder than your own? :)
Yes don't get the service like you used to .I did try the local independent before I went to Comet but they had a weeks delivery time .If I was buying a new one just because I wanted a new one I would have gone with them but I couldn't hang around really .
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sorry to hear your news come on here and moan swear and complain as much as you like, I certainly would be. Didn't go out this morning as I tried closing the house up about 15 mins before I was going to leave and the temperature rocketed. Instead I have been tackling the rubbish mountain in the garage, crushing boxes and sorting the junk from the junk to give away.
have also turned out my potato tubs and have actually managed to end up with less potatoes than I planted....loads of ants but very few spuds. I have just checked and ants don't eat spuds so I guess its just the lousy weather. I hope you are now vittled Shaney.
I dont do heat at all. having been on tankers in the gulf with no air con and you had to keep the windows shut in port because it was an oil installation, I really really do not do heat. We used to go to sleep wrapped in wet sheets...honestly when I think back on it I find it hard to believe.
Jude are you watching the womens marathon? It's what we last year, you and I. Up BP Road, several times!!
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Have just eaten truly terrible barbecued chicken. The barbecue was DH's toy and I never mastered getting it lit properly or stopping it flaring up. Anyway that's that, I have ordered a smaller easy to light jobbie. Its funny the things you do as you move on.
I can see a small piece of garage floor now!
I think most people around here have dumped their bbq's...yay! :o) It all seems like a lot of trouble to me. I've only ever had really nice bbq'd food was a big professional do done by chefs.
Post just disappeared!!

As I was saying, is anyone watching the womens high jump? cos if so hija used to jump against the spanish one Ruth whatever, and we had to sign forms saying that if hija ever got good enough then she couldn't jump for GB seeing as Spain had trained her. Then Pacha opened it's door and hija went partying!!!
I used to throw a mean that an olympic sport. Actually for a skinny link I wasn't bad at javelin...I must have inherited the throwing gene from my mum, I spent years avoiding missiles.
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Dh was a brilliant barbecue cook. I really enjoy decent barbecue...the smell of it cooking should be mouthwatering. I handled the marinading and side dishes and he masterminded the meat and fish. One autumn, we had folk coming to dinner. We were roasting a small turkey. Anyway the electricity board turned up and told us they were shutting off the power for the night so DH bunged the turkey on the barbie and we lit loads of candles and rushed out and bought salad and crusty bread. It was a brilliant evening.
Sorry Neti, haven't watched any olympics today.
Shaney are you back to normal yet?

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