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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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You're like us Woofy .We face due east .Lovely in the summer and we get the last rays of the sun in the evening but it's hot .Funnily enough you can boil in the garden in the afternoon once the sun is over but go out the front and the breeze comes off the sea and it can be chilly !
Anyway I'm jinxed here today ...I pulled the old fridge out to clean behind,mop floor etc ...was knackered after all that so went to make tea ..pressed the lid on the kettle and it snapped off ..You couldn't make it up .
Just one more thing to go wrong now all comes in threes ,so they say .
Farm shopping, fridge moving and cleaning behind,,eek, what have I walkedin to! Hot init, I can't take much more, hinted that my sis wanted me over there again, he said nuffink, will have another gentle hint tomorrow. I mean I could pay for myself and go, but I like him paying!

I made a burnt quiche (well it's all this baking blind and me sitting at tinternet!) But cos the bottom was brown and cooked it was delicious after cracking off the crusty edge! Had it with potato cakes and salad. Back in air conned bedroom. Missing EEnders and corrie cos am watching the athletics, but am recording it on lappy.
I'm north/south so it can be two climates in one day here...
oh no shaney, it's not your week is it? Don't touch another thing that's got a plug on it.
Lol ..I've just watched a programme about food waste .They would have the law on me if they saw what I've chucked away today !
But I can't risk it with Mr S ..the slightest tummy upset would be awful for him .

I'm so cheesed orf about it I think I'll pull all the ruddy plugs out Robinia ..light a candle and do a bit of dancing in the dark.
Or on the ceiling :)
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It happens Shaney. Last week when Sis was here, we had a fridge bursting with fruit and salad and I got a bout of IBS. Sis did her best but i ended up tossing tons of the stuff. You are dead right about the bugs, especially at this time of year.
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It's still warm here. Rab seems to have decided that we are monster free tonight and he can have a night off.
Oight oight all
Morning all
Another lovely day .
Sitting here waiting for them to bring new fridge .Then I'm going out to buy a new kettle .It's all go here !
Morning, wakey, wakey! Make the most of the weekend, it's back to pacamacs next week and forever after as far as I can see.

I hate it when I've got lovely grub in the fridge and then don't feel like eating until it's gone off. For that reason, when I get the chance to shop somewhere more interesting than the local stores, I tend to buy freezable/frozen food....and then hope and pray the frezer doesn't pack up. (it's making a right noise at the moment)

Right I'd better get moving before the world and their ankle snappers strip the bread shelves.

Oh before I go....anyone a few bob better off today? the tune of £148 million? One UK winner, it's obscene, tut....
morning shaney! fill the new fridge with chs and wine...who needs a kettle? :)

btw, that's a very sweet pic Lottie :)
anyone there? I need a bit of help by email?
I'm still sat here Robinia .
it's ok, it's sorted...
I'll never get to the shops at this rate.
hi again shaney...I've emailed you anyway :)
Lol..Robinia ...will reply later x
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good morning all, its sunny but a bit cooler here....looks like I might get out Yay!!!!!
Good morning, another lovely day, best make the most of it and get outside - blow housework. Blow housework anyway - I don't need excuses!
Have a nice day folk. Glad it's cooler for you Woof. Hope you get to the Fayre x
nice morning out there.

Must do something.
I won 8€ on euromillions. Not quite the win i wanted. So hot today and getting hotter!i
Good morning everybiddy. As if things couldn't get worse. I tell you briefly then b00ger off. I'm not worth talkiingto. suncere apologiesI can't even get into reading past posts.
I went to the hospital yesterday for my checkup with the specialist and after exam and xrays have been told I am having another operation. Mr Potter rang me after I'd been to see him and he said I have an appointment with a Mr.H-Palou a well known hand man to see about the at theop at the end of nxt week and I then had to go back to the hospital and be plastered from under my arm tomy hand wih my elbowbent in front and my palm up.
My holiday didn't happen.

Sorry again. I know there are people with far more serious things wrong and I'm really sorry but still cannot get my sense of humour back yet.
I know you'll all be kind to me but don't waste any 'get well soons on me'. I'll be back sometime after next weekend I expect.

I genuinely hope you all have a good weekend with as little aches and pains as possible...
See yer later 'gaters

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