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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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just watched Farah; I am astonished at how well GB are doing. It's really taking people's minds off economic collapse for a couple of weeks.

BBQ... lordy, I believe we have one of those at the bottom of a pile somewhere. Must try it again some day.
It'll be one hell of a flat week next for the olympics fans and along with a return to bad weather there'll be some grumps about.
I need a froop dearer, in every post today I've made a spelling mistake or dixed up my worms. I think I'll call it a day, I ache like hell. Sweet dreams.
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Oight oight Repob
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I am awake with an achey jaw. Have taken some paracetamol, now waiting for it to work
oh dear, what's caused that? I hope the pills are starting to work
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No idea. I do tooth grind sometimes. Still waiting for mr paracetamol to kick in.
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And there goes the paracetamol....oight oight
Good morning biddies.

Hope your jaw is better today woofy.

Hope your arm is feeling better today jude.

Hope your spelling is better today Robi!

Hope my typing is better today.

Hope your fridge and kettle are better today shaney

jno and lottie hope that whatever is wrong with you two is better today!
Hija still out partying yet again.

Quiet day here I hope. Off for paella a bit later.
hope your boobies are better today, neti.

I don't seem to have anything wrong with me at the moment, but that can't last.

Likewise the weather. it's supposed to rain on the Games parade this evening.
we don't do bbq's . Mr N hates them for some reason, probably cos he has to do the cooking. And it is illegal now until October unless one has a super dooper chimney effect bbq, no sparks allowed due to the danger of the fires that we suffer over here.
ha ha jno boobies are fine until I (or they) start to move! Am reclining on the bed with the fan whirling, not a lot of movement going on!
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Good morning all, jaw all better thanks. All very sleepy here after such a disturbed night.
Good morning all. Glad your jaw is better Woofy and your soreness is not too bad Nets.

Must go and have a shower and get rid of the smell of the Flit Robi sprayed all over me yesterday...................................
(And I can't believe how much of the Olympics I have actually watched and enjoyed - perhaps underneath I am a sports person (or I like looking at toned male bodies!!!)
Oh yes Lottie, some of the male pole vaulters were stunning to look at.
Morning all...according to my puta it's just after 3am so I apologise if I've woken anyone. Actually it feels like the middle of the night, I went to bed early and was wide awake again at 2.30, pah! It seemed the rest of world was awake too, there was a lot of traffic about.
Cloudy and fresh and looking at the forecast it's all downhilll from now on...

Want a squirt of Chanel No5 Lottie? :) Actually I've had it a while so it might double up as Flit.
sounds like Robi's computer has moved to the California time zone; not a bad idea at all. Handy for Silicon Valley, Microsoft in Seattle and everything.
Weather isn't great there jno, I am reliably informed it rains a lot!!!!

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Dirty dishwasher

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