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I See The Notting Hill Crimathon Is In Full Swing...

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ToraToraTora | 20:39 Sun 27th Aug 2017 | News
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mikey...thank you last a useful reply to my posts. You are correct.....why use the word "immigrants"...a good question, as i find it more difficult as time goes on to find a name for a group of people that doesn't upset anyone. I thought hard as to how one would describe, a no white community and that word seemed the least offensive. Oh! and...
07:19 Mon 28th Aug 2017
This country is predominantly a white European country and black persons originate from Africa a completely different continent.

And it is not racist to state that genetic fact.
ANOTHEOLDGIT, you are responsible for your superiority complex, although you regularly fail when attempting to demonstrate it.
A black person born in Corby originates from Corby not from Africa.

A black person born in Corby originates from Corby not from Africa.

Their ancestors didn't though, that's the point
Thank you Finny.......that indeed was my point re. this thread.
Is that black person an immigrant?
Not technically an immigrant, but the descendant of an immigrant, hope that clears it up for you.
More than half of Brits have immigrant ancestors.
A British person born in the UK to someone who has gained UK citizenship is not an immigrant but only technically?
And back to the Notting Hill Carnival....
People may be proud of their heritage.

"Roots" by Alex Haley springs to mind.
We all originate in Africa. keep leaving out the adjective BLACK which is essential to this thread, the immigrants HAVE to be black to be labeled as black immigrants.....the whole point of the thread.
Ummmm, back to the Carnival ?

What, when there's so much squabbling to be done - not for a while.
Being "British" is a question of citizenship. If you're a citizen of the United Kingdom, you're British - if not, you're not. That's the simplest way to proceed without all these tiresome distinctions.

Also there is always a degree of crime at every form of public gathering. If you're not against public gatherings per se, that objection to Notting Hill Carnival doesn't stand up.
//We all originate in Africa.//

Robert Mugabe doesn't think so. Do the "White Immigrants" have a nice knees up annually in Harare?
Sqad, that's NOT the whole point of the thread at all. It's supposed to be about crime associated with NHC.
Togo. I see you're another 'all black people must be immigrants' proponent. are quite correct, but as the majority of AB debates, they go off course.
Yeah I know.

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