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I See The Notting Hill Crimathon Is In Full Swing...

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ToraToraTora | 20:39 Sun 27th Aug 2017 | News
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mikey...thank you last a useful reply to my posts. You are correct.....why use the word "immigrants"...a good question, as i find it more difficult as time goes on to find a name for a group of people that doesn't upset anyone. I thought hard as to how one would describe, a no white community and that word seemed the least offensive. Oh! and...
07:19 Mon 28th Aug 2017
Just come in, afternoon Folks.

## That may seem illogical,but to me and many of my generation, that concept still persists. Luckily for all concerned we are likely to all be dead in 5-10 years, so we will see AB as a different animal. ##

If you mean in 5-10 years time, ABs will not be discussing immigrants, and black to white, you should take off your blindfold, as I think it will still be the top talking point being discussed then, like it is now in 2017, when most of the Benefits ceases, and the crime rate soars!
//Togo. I see you're another 'all black people must be immigrants' proponent.//

No.... You see no such thing, but invent it nevertheless. What you see is a post with a point that you would rather ignore or traduce with the usual airing of a typical " ray sist" deflection. You know nothing of me or my background, least of all my immediate families background and make up.
Glad to hear it. If you stop posting carp about Robert Mugabe in an effort to counter my argument, maybe I'll take you seriously.

//If you mean in 5-10 years time, ABs will not be discussing immigrants, and black to white//

//you should take off your blindfold, as I think it will still be the top talking point being discussed then, like it is now in 2017//

So, which would be your preferred option, we will or we won't be talking about it?
them that be dead won't be talking, them that still breathe will be harping on.
Yes, I was a bit puzzled by that.
// If you stop posting carp about Robert Mugabe//

I hadn't realised that he was a role model of yours, I can see now why it "upsets" you.
Silly boy.
When I am being "silly" it is a temporary affectation. No such excuse for a lot of posters and their "traits", I am sure. :))
Back to the thread......130 arrest up to now, and over a 100 people needing medical treatment.

By the way, whats the % of black & white ABs on here?
Who is going to know that ?
Thank goodness I live hundreds of miles from London. :)
It would be interesting to know whether during this period the overall crime rate for Greater London has gone up or just stayed the same with a switch in offences from other areas to Notting Hill. Maybe it's easier for the police to have more crime in one place- and it's more likely that we'll seee more arrests when there is a large police presence rather than having them spread very thinly across so many areas

from the bbc.

\\The Met Police said there were 122 arrests on Sunday, a fall of about 20% on last year.//

\\Of the arrests on Sunday, 54 were for drug offences, 15 for public order offences, eight for possession of a weapon and eight for sexual offences.//

thats 85, what were the other 37 for.?
Ooops around 279 arrests.
Maybe 37 different offences webbo so it would be a bit boring to see the list. Why, do you have a theory?
Not at all, just interested.
Stunning costumes .

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